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Watch: Brain Game Students Israel today

11/8/2020, 11:11:59 AM

Among those who came to protest against the ban on opening acting schools, Guy Lowell was also present: "I am broken by the fact that there is no theater" | in what

Among those who came to protest against the ban on opening acting schools, Guy Lowell was also present: "I am broken by the fact that there is no theater" • Carmel Shama HaCohen: "The corona also creates a lot of absurdities"

The students' protest began this morning, when dozens of students and alumni of the acting school around the country (Goodman for the Negev acting, Yoram Levinstein in Tel Aviv, "Beit Zvi" in Ramat Gan and Nissan Nativ in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv) came to demonstrate against the ban on opening acting schools. Ahead of the Corona Cabinet meeting today.

The students and alumni came to the school gates with signs that read messages such as "Do not play with us, this is our job", and some tied themselves with ropes to the entrance.

The students at Nissan Lane

Gal Hazaz, a third-year student of the demonstration organizers, said: "We came here to shout the cry of the students of the game. A game cannot be learned in zoom. We bound ourselves to school because we feel bound and no one gives us solutions. We entered a year full of uncertainty, no "Perhaps in the most basic area for us - learning the game and entering rehearsal rooms - we will feel unsettled. We are tired of being played with, that is entirely our job."

During the demonstration, the mayor of Ramat Gan, Carmel Shama HaCohen, also came to Beit Zvi to support the students, telling the demonstrators: "The corona also creates a lot of absurdities. It is impossible for theaters to hold rehearsals in Beit Zvi, because these are students who have to study and pay tuition. "They will not be able to conduct studies. We are sure that your struggle is right, and we are sure that it will also change the decision. Our experience in Corona says that when there is a distortion and the other side is right, the government is attentive and submissive in the end."

Among the protesters in Beit Zvi were also the actors who graduated from Beit Zvi, Guy Lowell and Idit Tapperson, who commented on the situation.

Lowell: "There is a feeling that the world of culture is on the verge of collapse, and if it is not even possible to train the next generation it is terrible. Everything here is run in chaos and irrationality. The study form of acting is different from any other field and zoom is not a solution. "A feeling that people do not care. We need to understand that theater is beyond entertainment."

Tepperson also addressed the protesters, saying: "Game cannot be learned remotely like other professions. The culture in the country is in a big crisis and now they are trying to stifle the next generation as well. Do not give up and do not let them stop your studies."

Beit Zvi CEO David Binyamin: "We sympathize with the pain of the students.

It is puzzling to us that in all the past months no solution has been found that will allow the school gates to open.

After the first closure we were included in the outline that it was possible to study in capsules and in small groups while paying close attention to the guidelines and it worked fine.

If repertory and independent theaters are allowed to rehearse, why not allow acting lessons?

Ignoring it, the government is abandoning the next generation of Israeli culture.

I am happy for the support of the mayor who stands by our side and helps a lot, and I hope that the shout that was heard today from all the schools will fall on attentive ears. "

Shir Goldberg, the artistic director at Goodman School of Acting: 'The students at Goodman will not be silenced.

It has been two weeks since the official opening of our classes at Goodman, which we had to open online with our excellent teachers, but come on, we all know very well that acting is not a zoom.

In the meantime, we are falling between the cracks and the new generation of players and the whole culture is in a desperate state. " 

Beer Sheva Theater director and Goodman director of the acting school: "The art schools are raising the future generation of Israeli culture and spirit. It is time for the state to recognize their importance and necessity. I am glad that we have students fighting for this."

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