The Limited Times

"Delhi suffocates!", Licypriya tweets against smog

11/9/2020, 5:12:17 PM

"Declare a health emergency in Delhi! We are suffocating! Children are dying" is the heartfelt tweet that Licypriya Kangujam, nine, a well-known Indian climate activist addressed to the governor of the Indian capital. (HANDLE)

 NEW DELHI- "Declare a health emergency in Delhi! We are suffocating! Children are dying" is the heartfelt tweet that Licypriya Kangujam, nine, a well-known Indian climate activist addressed to the governor of the Indian capital.

The tweet concludes: "We want urgent action now for permanent solutions."

The girl, founder of "The Child movement", has long been at the forefront of the battle against pollution: in 2019 she participated in COP25, the United Nations Climate Conference in Madrid and addressed world leaders, she was stopped in Delhi by police last month while demonstrating in front of Parliament with another young activist Aarav Seth, 12.

Licypriya's tweet, which went viral, comes at a critical moment for Delhi, which today, for the fifth consecutive day, is suffocating from the air that has become unbreathable, with pollution levels defined as "very dangerous".

According to data from the Central Pollution Control Board 'AQI index, which measures polluting particles in the air, it has reached a warning level, 474. (ANSA).

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