The Limited Times

Fireworks mortar fire against police officers in Compiègne: eight minors in custody

11/9/2020, 7:17:48 PM

They were arrested following clashes between the police and a hundred people "hooded" which took place this Monday, November 9 in front of the high school Mireille Grenet.

Eight minors were taken into custody Monday, November 9 after mortar fire against the police in front of a high school in Compiègne (Oise), near a district where similar violence has taken place in recent weeks, a indicated the floor.

Read also: Clashes with mortars and stones with the police in front of a high school in Compiègne

The facts took place in two phases, in front of the versatile Mireille Grenet high school (2,000 students), where seven of the eight minors are educated, explained the prosecutor of Compiègne Marie-Céline Lawrysz.

Around 7:30 am, a patrol from the Compiègne police station, alerted by trash fires in front of the establishment, first suffered from projectiles and "

at least five fireworks mortars



In danger

", the police had to abandon the vehicle, which was "


" and in which police equipment was stolen.

In a second time, around 8:30 am, "

a hundred

" people, "


" according to the prefecture, confronted police, gendarmes and firefighters in front of the establishment.

At the end of these clashes, five minors aged 15 to 16 were first arrested, according to Marie-Céline Lawrysz, three in possession of objects clearly stolen from the police vehicle, and two for throwing projectiles against them. law enforcement.

Three other teenagers were subsequently arrested.

They were in police custody Monday evening, in particular for aggravated violence, degradation by dangerous means, participation with weapons in a gathering and aggravated theft.

During these incidents, a firefighter was also slightly injured in the forearm by a mortar fire, while trying to extinguish a trash can on fire, according to the prefecture.


A new aggression which is added to a list unfortunately already very long

", denounced in a press release the president of the SDIS of Oise Eric de Valroger.


It is intolerable to attack those who, every hour of the day and night, provide relief missions, with unfailing rigor and professionalism

," he insisted.


I do not know what are the demands

" of these young people, continued the prosecutor.

But "

I see a similar modus operandi

" with urban violence which has affected the neighborhood near Clos-des-Roses since early September, "

with the same hatred of the police


These had notably come under mortar fire on Wednesday and Thursday.

When questioned, Commissioner Pierrick Boulet, also without information on "


", also points out this climate of violence in this neighborhood, known to be a hub of drug trafficking, and in which controls have been tightened since early September.

The Amiens rectorate also considers that these incidents result from a "

climate of external violence which impacts the activity of the establishment



It is not at all about possible claims in connection with the health protocol

", he insisted.