The Limited Times

Jean-Louis Debré would favor a postponement of the regional elections in June, according to Quatennens

11/9/2020, 11:14:42 AM

Scheduled for March 2021, Jean-Louis Debré could postpone the regional elections in view of the health context.

LFI number two Adrien Quatennens said Monday, November 9 that Jean-Louis Debré, former president of the Constitutional Council responsible for studying a possible postponement of regional due to the health crisis, would lean for a postponement of the poll from March to June.

Contacted, Debré declined to comment.

Read also: Covid-19 in France: there is a "thrill" in the figures

The LFI deputy, who explained that he spoke with him "

last week

", for his part indicated on

France Info

that "

it would seem that Jean-Louis Debré, who will return his report soon, is proposing to the government to 'steer towards a postponement to the month of June

", while the departmental and regional elections were initially scheduled for March 2021. Adrien Quatennens however" alerted

(é) to the fact that the last time we were confined, it was was in spring, which means that spring is not necessarily a sign that the epidemic will end


He also argued that the scientific council "

located in this place

»A possible fourth wave, and thus worried about the possibility for the candidates to carry out a real electoral campaign.

Conversely, the first secretary of the PS Olivier Faure said on LCI to have pleaded with Prime Minister Jean Castex to “

shift from March to June

”, which is “

a more favorable period

”, where “

viruses circulate less


What if the Covid-19 was still widely circulating in June?

Do you think Americans stopped voting because of the epidemic?

Do you think that democracy is not an essential activity?

I think so,

”he replied.

Government spokesman Gabriel Attal had indicated in mid-October that the final decision on a possible postponement would be taken before the start of the official campaign, ie "

at the end of the year, beginning of the year 2021


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