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The agency that is supposed to approve the transfer of power has not yet recognized Biden's victory - Walla! news

11/9/2020, 9:20:43 PM

The head of the General Services Administration, appointed by Trump, has not signed the document that is supposed to allocate funds to the president-elect to begin assembling his staff and gaining access to briefings. "We are not determining the winner of the election," the agency said. Trump refuses to acknowledge the loss, and could sabotage the transfer of power

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The agency that is supposed to approve the transfer of power has not yet recognized Biden's victory

The head of the General Services Administration, appointed by Trump, has not signed the document that is supposed to allocate funds to the president-elect to begin assembling his staff and gaining access to briefings.

"We are not determining the winner of the election," the agency said.

Trump refuses to acknowledge the loss, and could sabotage the transfer of power


  • Donald Trump

  • Joe Biden

  • United States

News agencies

Monday, 09 November 2020, 20:18 Updated: 23:13

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In the video: Joe Biden delivers a victory speech (Photo: Reuters, Editing: Amit Simcha)

The head of a federal agency appointed by US President Donald Trump has not yet signed the official document needed to begin the transfer of power to Joe Biden.

Despite the declaration by the networks in the United States that the former Democratic vice president has won more than the 270 votes needed, Trump refuses to acknowledge the results and claims, without justification, forgeries and his desire to take the issue to court, and could sabotage the transfer of power.

The document should be signed by Emily Wu.

Murphy, who heads the General Services Administration.

The document is expected to release $ 9.9 million for the Biden campaign through a procedure known as "verification."

Such a signing of the document would be the first official acknowledgment by the Trump administration of its election loss, and it would thaw tools designed to conduct momentary tests for candidates for positions in the next administration and funds for their training.

However, Trump has shown no sign that he is about to recognize the results, and is expected to hold rallies in the coming days in which he will claim that he has been robbed of his second priesthood.

"A verification process has not yet been conducted," administration spokeswoman Pamela Pennington told CNN.

She said the agency was not the one to determine the winner of the election, but refused to clarify what she meant when she said they were waiting for the "emerging winning candidate" according to the constitution.

In September, an agreement was reached between the administration and Biden's staff to allocate $ 6.2 million for pre-election services, which it continues to receive.

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Clinging to the horns of the altar.

Trump on his way to his golf course (Photo: AP)

In the three memoranda obtained between the parties, the Trump administration is expected to provide the Biden Bureau's transition team with communications services, payment or refunds for certain activities, staff salaries, travel of the president-elect, a security classification procedure for candidates for security positions and intelligence briefings.

Murphy was appointed to the post in 2017, the first year of Trump's tenure, and was unanimously approved by the Senate.

Jen Saki, a White House spokeswoman for the Obama administration and part of the Biden transition team, called on the agency to "quickly" approve the start of the process.

"The national security of the United States and its economic interests depend on the federal government clearly and swiftly signaling that the United States government will respect the will of the citizens of the United States and be part of a smooth and peaceful transition of power," she tweeted.

In addition, the advisory team of the Center for Presidential Transfer, a non-political organization, issued a similar statement last night calling on the Trump administration to begin the "immediate" verification process.

The narrowing was signed by former senior officials in the administrations of Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, Democrats and George W. Bush.

Republican Bush.

Unanimously approved by the 2017 Senate.

Murphy (Photo: AP)

Clay Johnson III, who headed Bush's transition team after the controversial 2000 election, said Biden's campaign could meanwhile launch a fundraising process and unofficially interview future candidates for the job.

The winner of the election 20 years ago was known only about a month later, following a dispute over the count in Florida, where the race for the good of Bush was ultimately decided by a margin of 537 votes, with the intervention of the Supreme Court.

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