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The pharmaceutical company Pfizer has announced that its experimental vaccine for corona is 90% effective - Walla! news

11/9/2020, 12:41:48 PM

Pfizer, and its German partner BioNTech SE, are the first pharmaceutical companies to present such an achievement in a major clinical trial as part of the fight against the global epidemic. The vaccine does not contain the corona virus itself, but uses a small portion of its genetic material

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  • Corona

Pharmaceutical company Pfizer has announced that its experimental vaccine for Corona is 90% effective

Pfizer, and its German partner BioNTech SE, are the first pharmaceutical companies to present such an achievement in a major clinical trial as part of the fight against the global epidemic.

The vaccine does not contain the corona virus itself, but uses a small portion of its genetic material


  • Corona virus

  • Vaccine for corona

  • Pfizer

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Monday, 09 November 2020, 14:22

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In the video: The first participant in the corona vaccine trial receives notification of his choice (Photo: Hadassah Hospital spokeswoman)

Pfizer announced today (Monday) that its vaccine for corona is 90% effective in preventing infection with the disease.

This, based on initial information emerging from a large-scale study.

Pfizer, and its German partner BioNTech SE, are the first pharmaceutical companies to show success in a major clinical trial as part of the fight against the global epidemic.

Pfizer's vaccine does not contain the active virus that causes Covid-19 but uses a small part of its genetic material, called mRNA.

This is a scientific approach originally developed to fight cancer.

The vaccine causes the immune system to produce antibodies that attack the prickly protein - which, among other things, gives the corona virus its unique and recognizable form, but it is also the one that allows the virus to penetrate the body's cells that it attacks.

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A huge achievement.

Corona vaccine (Photo: Reuters)

At the end of October, the company's corona vaccine was also tested on young volunteers - about a hundred children of different ages, the youngest of whom are only 12 years old.

The next company to work on the vaccine and expected to present its conclusions soon is biotechnology company Moderna Inc, which may do so later this month, and towards the end of the year - the joint trial of AstraZeneca Plc, based in the UK, and Oxford University.

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