The Limited Times

Tips and tricks: Keep dark laundry from fading

11/9/2020, 2:38:54 PM

Dark clothing is popular, but it fades quickly. When washing and drying, a few things have to be observed so that the clothes keep their color.

Dark clothing is popular, but it fades quickly.

When washing and drying, a few things have to be observed so that the clothes keep their color.

  • So that

    dark clothing

    does not fade,

    heavy-duty detergents

    should be


  • If the

    laundry is

    turned inside out, the outer surface will not wear out as much.

  • Black clothes can

    shine again




Frankfurt - “Clothes make the man” is a popular saying that certainly contains at least a bit of truth.

So it's not surprising that many people pay close attention to what they get out of the closet in the morning.

Dark T-shirts and sweaters in


are popular long-term favorites.

Black clothing

can often be combined in many ways and stains are not that big a problem. But the dark outfits have another weakness.


fade quickly


To prevent this from happening, there are some useful


that can be easily used while

washing and drying


Wash dark clothes at a low temperature

Before washing,

dark and light clothes should

be separated from each other so that they do not become



Choosing the right temperature is also crucial.

For example, dark underwear often has to be washed at a different temperature than black tops, as the magazine "Brigitte" reveals on its website.


washing temperature

that is most suitable is stated on the care labels on the textiles.

In general, dark clothes should be washed at the lowest possible temperature.

Water that is too hot breaks the



and makes the color fade.


Heavy-duty detergent should not be used when washing dark clothing.

© Armin Weigel / dpa

An absolute taboo when washing dark clothes, sweaters and T-shirts is the use of a

heavy-duty detergent

, because it often contains



The broadcaster RTL recommends

colored or mild detergents

on its website instead



liquid detergents

for dark colors are also suitable for cleaning clothes without them fading.

This is reported by the advice page "Ingenious Tips".

Turn the clothes inside out before washing

Another simple but effective trick: dark laundry should always be

turned inside

out before going into the

washing machine


The outer surface wears out the most.

In addition, the dark color becomes increasingly weaker as


rub against each other while washing.

It is therefore advisable not to overfill the washing machine, as can be read on the “Jazzy Shirt” website.

there is detergent for dark clothes, then generally only wash with other dark clothes and turn inside out before washing helps as far as I know

- Kira😷 (@ehernichtso) August 27, 2020

There are numerous

home remedies



dark clothes from


or give them a new shine: This includes the true all-rounder



It brightens the black color again and protects against detergent residues when washing, which can settle on clothes.

Furthermore, vinegar is considered a

natural fabric softener,

according to the “Jizzy Shirt” internet platform


Before switching on the washing machine, simply put a cup of white vinegar in the drum and your favorite dark clothes will be better protected.

Black pepper refreshes dark clothing




are not only excellent for seasoning meat or vegetables.

They are also useful in the washing machine.

Just like vinegar, salt prevents


from sticking to the laundry and damaging the fibers.

Simply put half a cup of the “white gold” on the laundry in the drum.

Two teaspoons of pepper in the washing machine are also useful for removing detergent


and preventing fading, as they act like a

natural abrasive

that rubs soap residue off the fibers.

This is reported by the magazine "Brigitte".

Also, the black color of pepper can freshen up dark clothing.

Dye black clothes with coffee

Other natural coloring agents are

coffee and black tea


Soak the textiles in it overnight and you get an even black, says the "Brigitte".

If you don't trust the various home remedies, you can also


commercially available dyes

in the drugstore

to make your favorite black dress shine again.

But caution is advised, because only

natural fibers and blended fabrics

are suitable for dyeing with the products in stores.


Black clothing is less likely to fade when air-dried.

However, excessive exposure to the sun should be avoided.

© Marijan Murat / dpa

Dark clothes can be protected from fading not only during washing.

There are also a

few things to keep in mind




If possible, you should

refrain from

using a

tumble dryer


Drying in the air is gentler on clothes.

However, the


should be avoided as far as possible because direct sunlight will fade the T-shirt, sweater and dress.

This can be read on the RTL homepage.

(Tobias Ketter)

List of rubric lists: © Armin Weigel / dpa