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US presidential election: after Donald, the Trump dynasty is preparing

11/9/2020, 7:51:12 PM

Could the children of the President of the United States, who occupy key positions alongside him, take up the torch? Some want there

Donald Trump is not the only one to cling desperately to the "Resolute desk", the famous presidential office in the White House.

His two grown-up sons, Don junior, 42, and Eric, 36, are still fighting a fierce battle, with legal action and tweets spreading fake news, to dismantle a “fraudulent” election in the eyes of the family clan.

As for her daughter Ivanka, 39, she certainly swings tweets to demand that we count "the legal bulletins and not the illegal ones", but the heart does not really seem any more.

As if the “High Advisor to the President of the United States” (her official title) sided without daring to say so in the opinion of her husband Jared Kushner and her stepmother Melania, who whisper in Donald Trump's ear to drop the matter, rather than persist in a judicial guerrilla war at the risk of further deteriorating its image.


In the United States, Donald Trump lost, but Trumpism is still alive and well

In an America that adores the ruling dynasties, from the Kennedy saga to Presidents Bush father and son - who called each other "41" and "43", their respective chronological ranks in the White House - not to mention the couple Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Trump offspring, all placed in command positions of "The Trump Organization", could they take up the torch, on condition of course to go through possible trials which now threaten the family empire?

"They certainly want it," said historian specialist of the United States Nichole Bacharan (author with Dominique Simonnet, of

First Ladies

, ed Tempus, September 2020).

Donald Trump himself dreams of a political dynasty, has often repeated that Ivanka, the favorite of his children, would make a formidable president.


In Washington, the time may be for the delicate Trump-Biden transition to the top of power, the future of this incredible family interests the some 71 million Americans - a record for an outgoing president - who voted for Donald Trump and remain attached to it.

The potential of Donald Junior and Eric

Ivanka, who has politics in her skin, has no desire to return to her activities as patron of her shoe brand.

According to her American biographer Michael Wolff, she even made a pact with her husband Jared - also an adviser to Trump, for whom he carried out a number of diplomatic missions - in order to stand before him in the presidential election.

During the campaign, she single-handedly raised $ 35 million for her father's benefit, and was tasked with seducing suburban mothers.

“But this socialite, once darling of New York's democratic elites, has damaged her image with this mandate, judge Nicole Bacharan.

Besides, she is a poor speaker.


The media Don junior, beard of a carefully groomed adventurer, knows how to harangue the crowds.

In the style of his father, as the Parisian-Today in France observed during a meeting in Gettysburg (Pennsylvania).

On a muddy excavator and truck auction site, facing Trumpist supporters in military fatigues or hunting gear, he vigorously defended the Second Amendment on the possession and carrying of weapons, mocked Joe's "senility" Biden and banged on those "asshole" journalists!

"He has the makings of a future candidate, it is Donnie that we will need tomorrow", confided a conquered Republican militant.

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"We do not want him to admit his defeat", persist Trump voters

His brother Eric is not left out.

This unscrupulous businessman, also familiar with talk shows on TV, leads with ex-New York mayor Rudy Giuliani the squad of some 400 of the most talented and hard-working lawyers in the country to take legal action the regularity of the ballot.

Priority target, bulletins sent late by post, by the hundreds of thousands.

But neither the state courts nor the Federal Supreme Court have yet given a really favorable response to their appeals, and the fight on the green carpet is starting to cost very, very dear.

Like his father, Eric Trump also uses the weapon of Twitter and other social networks, where he notably relayed a video showing - supposedly - an assessor of a Democratic polling station burning pro-Trump ballots!

The two brothers are popular with some, hated with others, embody the sense of show and contact of daddy Donald.

"They can consider running for the House of Representatives (deputies) at the next


in two years, for example in the family stronghold of Florida," resumes Nicole Bacharan.

It is hard to see the Grand Old Party (Republican Party) blocking them.

America is therefore probably not done with the Trump dynasty.

One person should be missing from the board: Melania, Donald's wife, who is in a hurry to flee the White House ...

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