The Limited Times

Sha Banshan's Notes丨Organized Societies receive the "General Mobilization Order" to support DQ Democrats in Hong Kong on weekends

11/10/2020, 11:08:55 PM

"Hong Kong 01" took the lead in reporting that the Standing Committee meeting of the National People's Congress concluded in Beijing today will discuss and pass a decision on the qualifications of the Hong Kong Legislative Council. Eventually, democratic members may be deprived of their membership. Although it remains to be revealed whether the Hong Kong government will eventually "fall the knife" DQ has yet to be revealed, but the organizational camp is already "shaking hands". It is reported that most important organizations in the camp have received the "General Mobilization Order". Many districts in Hong Kong set up street stations to collect signatures from citizens, support the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and urge the DQ of the Hong Kong government to "violate the Basic Law" to create momentum for this political battle.

Political situation

Written by: Sha Banshan

2020-11-11 07:00

Last update date: 2020-11-11 07:00

"Hong Kong 01" took the lead in reporting that the Standing Committee meeting of the National People's Congress concluded in Beijing today will discuss and pass a decision on the qualifications of the Hong Kong Legislative Council. Eventually, democratic members may be deprived of their membership.

Although it remains to be revealed whether the Hong Kong government will eventually "fall the knife" DQ has yet to be revealed, but the organizational camp is already "shaking hands". It is reported that most important organizations in the camp have received the "General Mobilization Order". Many districts in Hong Kong set up street stations to collect signatures from citizens, support the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and urge the DQ of the Hong Kong government to "violate the Basic Law" to create momentum for this political battle.




The National People's Congress has not officially "bright sword", the public opinion battle starts first

As of last night, at least five organized societies have confirmed to "Hong Kong 01" that they have received instructions to launch propaganda and public opinion wars to support the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and urge the DQ of the Hong Kong Government to "members who violate the Basic Law." Department and Baijie stations, some of them started operations as early as Thursday.

It has been pointed out that the scale of this publicity is huge. Almost all major organizations in Hong Kong have been mobilized. The scale is comparable to the series of publicity campaigns launched by the government to promote the political reform plan in 2015.

It is widely rumored that the four people who were convicted of violating the Basic Law and failing to sincerely loyal to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the original September Legislative Council elections, namely the civic party Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi, and the professional and political politician Liang Jichang, were under the "decision" of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. DQ high-risk families.

Some members of the organization said that in the procedural offensive outline they received, no democratic legislators were named. They only pointed at "members who violated the Basic Law," but the target was already ready to be announced.

The person also said that although the central government has not revealed the cup for a day and does not know what action the central government will eventually do, "but judging from the hand shadow, the chance of hardening is still higher."

The backbone of the community worried about the big gongs and drums to provoke backlash

However, the backbone of the association expressed that they were worried that the effect of propaganda would be counterproductive. They believed that if the central government took the initiative to DQ Pan-Democrats through the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the tricks were strong enough and had a deterrent effect. There was no need for excessive publicity and fear of causing social centrists. People are disgusted.

Yesterday’s agenda did not mention Hong Kong’s vote today

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress will hold a meeting in Beijing. It is rumored that the agenda will be added to the disqualification of democratic legislators (DQ), but yesterday (10th) the agenda did not mention Hong Kong.

When the National People's Congress will "bright the sword" is still waiting, but the propaganda war has already started. It can be seen that Beijing is prepared this time, and it also means that this war is fierce.

Organizational associations have repeatedly assisted in propaganda wars

Before the National Security Law was passed in June of this year, a large number of organizations from the background of the establishment swarmed out, overwhelmingly at the Gang Piaojie Station for days, distributing national security law publicity brochures to the public, and initiated a legislative signature campaign.

Relevant organizations include the Hong Kong Friendship Association, the Hong Kong Provincial Committee of the CPPCC Committee, the Hong Kong Guangdong Association, and the Fujian Association of Associations.

In addition, the Civil Society Research Institute released an online questionnaire yesterday (9th). According to the poll, more than 90% of the interviewees believed that 4 MPs who had been cancelled by the Returning Officer in July this year cannot continue to serve. .

This shows that apart from the traditional street propaganda offensive, the use of polls to create social opinions is also a weapon in the public opinion war.

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Democrats of the Legislative Council