The Limited Times

US Presidential: Boris Johnson announces having spoken to Joe Biden to congratulate him

11/10/2020, 5:29:55 PM

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Tuesday (November 10) that he spoke to Joe Biden to congratulate him on his victory in the US presidential election, and said he was eager to " strengthen the partnership " between the two countries. To read also: Barbara Pompili: "The election of Joe Biden is excellent news" " I just spoke to @JoeBiden to congratulate him on his election, " tweeted

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced Tuesday (November 10) that he spoke to Joe Biden to congratulate him on his victory in the US presidential election, and said he was eager to "

strengthen the partnership

" between the two countries.

To read also: Barbara Pompili: "The election of Joe Biden is excellent news"


I just spoke to @JoeBiden to congratulate him on his election,

" tweeted the head of the Conservative government, an ally of Donald Trump. “

I look forward to strengthening the partnership between our countries and working with him on our common priorities, from the fight against climate change to the promotion of democracy and reconstruction after the pandemic,

” he added.

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