The Limited Times

A piece of jewelry with a lot of history

11/11/2020, 7:09:35 AM

Topping-out ceremony at the farmhouse museum in the district of Erding: The new entrance building is nearing completion. It will be a special piece of jewelry.

Topping-out ceremony at the farmhouse museum in the district of Erding: The new entrance building is nearing completion.

It will be a special piece of jewelry.

Erding -

One year after the groundbreaking for the new entrance building of the Farmhouse Museum, there is already a lot to see there: Parts of what is probably the oldest secular building in the Erding district are already on Taufkirchener Straße.

While the so-called relocation of this property from 1627, which was previously in Pesenlern, has been completed, the new market building is nearing completion.

On Tuesday the topping-out ceremony for the “piece of jewelery” took place, as District Administrator Martin Bayerstorfer proudly described it.

The Walpertskirchen master carpenter Josef Mayer called it "a new monument" for the district administrator in his pointed topping-out speech and went on to say: "Mayor Gotz did it differently - and buried his own".


Judgment in rhyme: master carpenter Josef Mayer (left on the scaffolding) preserved the tradition, like his colleague Georg Lippacher in guild garb.

District Administrator Martin Bayerstorfer follows the action below.

© Gabi Zierz

The topping-out ceremony took place in a small group.

The craftsmen, structural engineers, architects and planners involved in the construction stood in the open air with masks - as did the representatives of agriculture, led by district farmer Irmgard Posch and the three market spokespersons Monika Mayr, Sandra Mair and Rosmarie Voglrieder.

With the construction of the new entrance building, the district made it clear "that history is worth something to him," emphasized Bayerstorfer in his short address.

This is how you keep the rural culture as it has been lived for centuries in memory.

The style of the building is exemplary, "there is no second time".

The new entrance building will cost almost three million euros - including the Schopfbau, a wooden barn for selling fruit, vegetables and flowers.

The investment had become necessary in order to “lead the farmers market, which has existed since 1991 and which has become a popular meeting place for citizens on Fridays, into the future,” says Bayerstorfer.

His predecessor in office, Xaver Bauer, came up with the idea of ​​revitalizing the farmhouse museum.

In the first year, the market only took place in summer, later also in winter, in the heated barn in Stetten.

There, however, the growing space requirements and increased hygiene requirements could not have been implemented, recalled Bayerstorfer.

With the new building, access to the museum area is also shifting to the east.

Wooden parts of the relocated Pesenlerner house have been integrated on the first floor, the ground floor is a brick building.


Old and new are united in the log house that was placed on the tiled ground floor of the new entrance building. 

© Gabi Zierz

The building in Pesenlern was dismantled in autumn 2018 and all recyclable materials such as wood, doors and windows were stored.

This spring the carpenters in the workshop of guild master Georg Lippacher in Ottenhofen rebuilt the log cabin - with additions.

Architects and structural engineers have meanwhile reconstructed the historic roof structure.

The building should be ready in autumn 2021.

For the still to be built wooden barn, in which the fruit, vegetables and flowers will be sold, the costs have been reduced from the original 250,000 to 100,000 euros.

The district building committee had already requested this in October and approved it in the budget deliberations on Monday.

Talks with dealers, the district building yard, vocational school and craftsmen contributed to reducing costs.

It is now clear: a third of the budget is required for the basic construction of the barn, which is produced by a carpentry shop.

Two thirds are material costs.

In the vocational school, apprentices carpenters are supposed to produce five box windows from solid wood with fixed glazing according to old templates.

At the same time, the district building yard takes on the interior fittings (wood), produces the swing gates - instead of more expensive sliding gates - and is responsible for the cladding work.

The mason trainees also lend a hand.

They will pave the ground.

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