The Limited Times

Participants of the International Conference on the Return of Refugees Hold Their First Session: Concerted international efforts in coordination and cooperation with the Syrian government to secure the return of refugees

11/11/2020, 4:05:38 PM

Damascus-SANA The participants in the international conference on the return of refugees confirmed in their first session under the title


The participants in the international conference on the return of refugees in their first session under the title “The current situation in Syria and conditions for the return of the displaced Syrians” stressed the importance of concerted efforts by the international community in coordination and cooperation with the Syrian government to secure the return of refugees and displaced persons to their areas and villages from which they were displaced as a result of terrorist crimes committed against them .

The Minister of Local Administration and Environment, Engineer Hussein Makhlouf, who chaired the session, explained that since the beginning of the terrorist war on Syria, the state has put in place an organized plan for the relief of citizens who were displaced from the terrorist-controlled areas, which included intensifying efforts between government agencies and the local community and non-governmental organizations such as the Syrian Arab Red Crescent in coordination with international organizations such as the Cross International Red to provide all services to the displaced and secure their living requirements.

Minister Makhlouf pointed out that the great sacrifices made by the Syrian Arab Army in combating terrorism opened the way for the return of approximately 5 million displaced persons to their liberated areas, the majority of whom were internally displaced, stressing that the state continues to rehabilitate the infrastructure and services in every region liberated from terrorism to secure The return of the people there, but the unilateral coercive measures imposed on the Syrian people impede the reconstruction efforts and increase the suffering of the Syrians.

For his part, Ambassador of the Russian Federation in Damascus Alexander Yefimov affirmed that his country continues to support Syria and increase cooperation and coordination with it in all economic, trade and energy fields, develop the Syrian economy and reach a better future and life for Syrians, pointing out that there are joint Russian-Syrian economic projects that are currently being studied and in the next few weeks. Joint cooperation agreements will be signed.

Yefimov called on all countries in the world to help Syrian refugees return to their country, far from the standards that some countries pursue to obstruct their return by setting conditions in the face of this, stressing that the Syrian people are the only ones entitled to decide their future.

Brigadier General Samer Braidi talked about the terrorism that targeted Syria, which was supported by Western and regional countries, which facilitated tens of thousands of terrorists crossing the Syrian lands to kill, abuse and displace Syrian citizens and destroy their homes, institutions and infrastructure, indicating that the state has given priority to protecting civilians, restoring security and stability across Syria and preserving public and private rights In addition to working to achieve local reconciliation and settle the situation of those deceived by them.

For his part, Deputy Minister of Justice, Judge Tayseer Al-Samadi, referred to the pardon decrees that had a great impact on releasing those involved in the current events in Syria and contributed to the conclusion of settlements for those who lay down their arms, in addition to the legislation and laws that were passed since the beginning of the crisis in Syria and aimed at preserving public and private property Indicating that the Ministry of Justice has managed to restore all courts in the areas liberated from the clutches of terrorists.

The Deputy Minister of Local Administration and Environment, Eng. Moataz Kattan, gave a presentation on the efforts made by the state to rebuild the infrastructure of cities and villages destroyed by terrorism at all service and development levels, in addition to a presentation on the total direct and indirect damage and human damage from martyrs, injured and kidnapped persons.

Mikhail Mezentsev, head of the Russian-Syrian Coordination Center for the Return of Refugees, stressed that the aim of participating in the conference is to activate the return of the displaced who left their cities as a result of terrorist crimes, which forced 6 million to leave their homeland, and indicated that the Russian side continues to provide humanitarian and medical aid to the Syrians and to create safe conditions for their collective, organized return. To their country to contribute to the reconstruction process, stressing the importance of uniting the efforts of the international community with United Nations organizations to solve the problems represented by the refusal of some Western countries to facilitate the return of refugees to Syria.

For his part, the representative of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate in Damascus, Lianid Gorbachev, stressed the importance of providing decent living conditions in all Syrian regions affected by terrorism, as the church provides some aid through surgeries and some charitable work, calling for the creation of a fund in cooperation with government agencies in Syria to collect donations for the return Displaced Syrians to their homes.

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