The Limited Times

People's Congress DQ|4Panmin was claimed by DQ Liang Junyan to understand the decision that the Legislative Council will not become rubber stamps

11/11/2020, 9:41:44 AM

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made a decision on the qualifications of members of the Legislative Council. It refers to the fact that members of the Legislative Council will immediately lose their qualifications as members of the Legislative Council after they are recognized in accordance with the law because they promote or support Hong Kong independence. The relevant decisions will be announced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government. The government immediately issued a press release announcing that, in accordance with the relevant decision made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Civic Party Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi and the accountant Liang Jichang immediately lost their qualifications as members of the Legislative Council. Four people were disqualified in the original September Legislative Council election. The President of the Legislative Council, Leung Junyan, announced the suspension of the meeting at 1 p.m. and met with reporters at 4 p.m. When meeting with reporters, Liang Junyan said that he respected and understood the decisions of the National People's Congress and the government, and emphasized that DQ has nothing to do with Rab. Regarding the proposed general speech of the pan-people, Liang Junyan pointed out that the Legislative Council would not become a rubber stamp.

Political situation

Written by: Di Ruimin Zhou Lixi

2020-11-11 16:09

Last update date: 2020-11-11 17:30

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made a decision on the qualifications of members of the Legislative Council. It refers to the fact that members of the Legislative Council will immediately lose their qualifications as members of the Legislative Council after they are recognized in accordance with the law because they promote or support Hong Kong independence. The relevant decisions will be announced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.

The government immediately issued a press release announcing that, in accordance with the relevant decision made by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Civic Party Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi and the accountant Liang Jichang immediately lost their qualifications as members of the Legislative Council.

Four people were disqualified in the original September Legislative Council election.

The President of the Legislative Council, Leung Junyan, announced the suspension of the meeting at 1 p.m. and met with reporters at 4 p.m.

When meeting with reporters, Liang Junyan said that he respected and understood the decisions of the National People's Congress and the government, and emphasized that DQ has nothing to do with Rab. Regarding the proposed general speech of the pan-people, Liang Junyan pointed out that the Legislative Council would not become a rubber stamp.

When meeting with reporters, Liang Junyan said that he expressed his understanding and respect for the decision of the National People's Congress. He had also received a letter from the government this morning. In response to the decision of the National People's Congress, the government announced that the four members were disqualified, and their seats will be vacant from July 30.

Liang Junyan pointed out that Hong Kong is facing economic downturn, people's livelihood chaos, and epidemic recurring problems. He hopes that legislators from all parties can work hard and pragmatically to contribute to Hong Kong, relying on the well-being of the citizens, and jointly solve the current difficulties.

When asked whether it is necessary to recover the salaries of the four DQ members, Liang Junyan pointed out that the legal counsel and the administrative committee need time to discuss, but he also said that members of the law are responsible for their actions because they are disqualified because of their actions.

The voting records of members will be retained with reference to past practices.




I met with Panmin MPs this morning without mentioning the general resignation

Regarding the pan-people's chance to resign, Liang Junyan said that he can only respect the decision made by the councillor.

He also said that when he met with Panmin this morning, he did not talk about the relevant issues, but he called on members to stick to their posts so that the parliament can have more different voices, contribute to Hong Kong, and get out of the economic dilemma.

He also emphasized that every member of Parliament has a role, not a rubber stamp among his population.

No controversy in the parliament in the future?

Liang said he would be happy if the legislation went smoothly

The Chief Executive Carrie Lam expressed excitement that the controversial law could be passed faster when meeting reporters. When asked if he would be equally happy to see the parliament, there would be no dispute afterwards. Liang Junyan said that he respected the Chief Executive's opinion and said that he would be happy if the legislative work went smoothly.

But he also said that the establishment is not a political party, so there will still be different opinions.

A reporter asked whether the National People's Congress's move to stop the pan-democratic Raboff meant that Liang Junyan did not fulfill his responsibilities. He retorted that the National People's Congress decision did not mention Raboff issues. Every member of the Council should try his best to monitor the government for voters. Although the methods are different, the responsibilities are the same. .

Liang Junyan said that he believes that different parties need to meet with reporters and calm down, and will discuss with the secretariat to arrange for the meeting to resume at 9 o'clock tomorrow.

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