The Limited Times

People's Congress DQ. Live | 4 people were immediately DQ Democrats deputies and announced their resignation separately at 5:15

11/11/2020, 8:50:38 AM

In accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the SAR government announced that four members of the Sixth Legislative Council, Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi, and Liang Jichang from the accounting community, would immediately lose their qualifications as members of the Legislative Council. Democrats will meet with the media at 5:15 pm to announce the general resignation. "Hong Kong 01" will provide a live broadcast.

Political situation

Written by: Zhou Lixi

2020-11-11 16:36

Last update date: 2020-11-11 16:39

In accordance with the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the SAR government announced that four members of the Sixth Legislative Council, Yang Yueqiao, Guo Rongkeng, Guo Jiaqi, and Liang Jichang from the accounting community, would immediately lose their qualifications as members of the Legislative Council.

Democrats will meet with the media at 5:15 pm to announce the general resignation. "Hong Kong 01" will provide a live broadcast.

The convener of the democratic party meeting and the chairman of the Democratic Party, Hu Zhiwei, recently stated that the democratic party has unanimously decided after the meeting that if the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress decides to disqualify the democratic party, the 19 incumbent members of the democratic party will unhesitatingly and protest the most.

People's Congress DQ.

Live Broadcast|4Panmin was claimed by DQ Liang Junyan that he understood and decided to see the reporter

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People's Congress Democrats

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