The Limited Times

What are the differences between the different coronavirus vaccines? | Video | CNN

11/11/2020, 1:05:38 AM

An analysis of the vaccine by Pfizer and BionTech indicates that it is more than 90% effective against the transmission of the SarsCov-2 virus. This news could cause | Health | CNN

An analysis of the vaccine by Pfizer and BionTech indicates that it is more than 90% effective against the transmission of the SarsCov-2 virus.

This news could provoke high expectations amid the existing social fatigue from a pandemic that has already claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.

But there are other laboratories that are at the same level of research to achieve immunity with a vaccine.

We asked Dr. José Gonzáles Zamora, from the University of Miami, what are the substantial differences between the covid-19 vaccines from the different laboratories.

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