The Limited Times

Healthy nutrition from 40: How to escape the pounds of age

11/12/2020, 4:32:50 PM

Get rid of the stereotype that you just get fat with age. With these nutritional tricks you can achieve a slim body even with 40 plus.

Get rid of the stereotype that you just get fat with age.

With these nutritional tricks you can achieve a slim body even with 40 plus.

  • Wrong eating habits quickly become fatal in old age.

  • What used to leave no traces is now quickly putting on pounds on your own body.

  • With these tips you will stay healthy and slim and prevent a diet *.

As a young person in particular, you don't have to worry very much about

proper nutrition


Many people can eat what they want without gaining weight.

With age, however, the metabolism changes * and anyone who previously digested the pounds without noticing

it will


feel from the

age of 40

how the pounds are attaching to their own body.

The Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) has therefore formulated some tips with which you can stay slim and healthy for a long time.

Healthy nutrition from 40 years of age: Metabolism changes as the body ages

Anyone in their thirties will feel it.


that used to be so easily put away are now stored

in the body

in the form of



Almost everyone is affected by it by the age of 40 at the latest.

According to

TK, this is due

to a completely natural fact that the


builds fewer muscles with increasing age.

For this, more fat is stored. 

The metabolism slows down and changes.

However, this is not only due to aging, but also to the fact that we move less with age.

A simple solution, which is immediately obvious, is to do enough exercise even as you get older.

According to the

Techniker Krankenkasse

, three 30-minute "intense physical activity" times a week are recommended


But the TK also gives the all-clear if the supposedly excessive weight on the scales inspires fear.

The older a person is, the more weight is


for the



The following table with recommended

body mass index (BMI)

provides information on this.


Recommended BMI











from 65


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How can you calculate the body mass index (BMI)?

The formula for the BMI is:


is the

body weight

(in kilograms) divided by the


(in meters) squared.


A person 1.6 meters tall has a body weight of 60 kilograms.


BMI will

then be 23.4

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A post shared by Die Techniker (@die_techniker) on Jun 30, 2020 at 1:15 am PDT

Tips for a healthy diet in old age

However, sport

is not everything.

If you want to maintain your weight, you must meet the falling energy requirements in old age with a reduced energy intake.

You should keep this in mind every day:

  • Eating regularly prevents food cravings and an "overdose" of calories.

  • Reduce your alcohol consumption, because alcohol contains a lot of energy.

  • Many lemonades and colas * also contain a lot of sugar.

    They should be consumed in moderation and not used as a thirst quencher.

  • Fruit cake instead of cream cake: make sure that you enjoy a moderate consumption of sweets and pastries.

    It quickly becomes too much fat and sugar *.

    However, doing without it can encourage cravings.

  • Fresh instead of finished products: Many finished products also contain a lot of fat or sugar.

    Therefore, prepare more fresh, home-made dishes.

    Here you know exactly what's inside.

  • Whole grain products fill you up better and regulate digestion.

    For example, you can achieve simple effects with bread or pasta without having to do without them entirely.

  • Use low-fat products for dairy and meat products.

    It still contains important nutrients, and lower fat content can help control weight.

    (nh) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


A healthy diet is apparently seen internationally as the key to a healthy lifestyle.

This is what 87 percent of the more than 4500 consumers who the management consultancy AlixPartners has now surveyed in Germany, the USA, China, Great Britain and France.

© picture alliance / dpa / Jens Kalaene

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List of rubric lists: © picture alliance / dpa / Jens Kalaene