The Limited Times

Main driver of the pandemic: This is where most people become infected with Covid-19

11/12/2020, 9:26:44 PM

Beauty salons and leisure facilities have to close in November. Researchers are now summarizing where most people actually get infected with Corona.

Beauty salons and leisure facilities have to close in November.

Researchers are now summarizing where most people actually get infected with Corona.

  • The coronavirus pandemic will result in the second Germany-wide lockdown in November 2020.

    This has far-reaching restrictions on the economy.

    Some industries are particularly affected, such as independent dealers and service providers that do not belong to a retail chain.

  • Many are wondering whether lockdowns - i.e. the most extensive shutdown of public life - are actually a sensible means of containing the spread of Covid-19.

  • A research team has now got to the point where most people become infected with corona viruses *.

The Germany-wide November lockdown affects every citizen - some more, some less.

The aim is to get the coronavirus infection numbers under control again.

These had increased rapidly in the last few weeks and doctors fear that with a further exponential increase in Covid 19 patients, the health system will reach its limits.

For the tourism industry, owners of small cosmetic or yoga studios and many other branches of the economy, the lockdown also means a threat to their existence.

Those affected raise the question of how sensible it is to close their operations


In order to make a well-founded assessment, the causes of corona infection sources must be found.

Epidemiologist Elizabeth Lee from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, USA, and her team recently summarized the three main drivers of the pandemic in a review article.

In the eyes of the researchers, this includes private households, super spreaders and travel


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After evaluating various studies that deal with the chains of infection in Covid-19, the US researchers came to the conclusion that most infections take place in private households.

A large-scale South Korean study of 59,000 corona patients came to the conclusion

that the risk of infection in a household is six times higher than in other close contacts


The three main factors that can be traced back to corona infections at a glance:

  • Contagion in the private household

    : "This is in line with the fact that contact in the household is a main cause of the transmission of other respiratory viruses", summarize the researchers, as quoted by the portal.

    If you sleep in the same bed, use the same bathroom and cook together, you have a lot of contact and thus increase the risk of infection.

    People also live close together in prisons or care facilities, which means an increased risk of Covid 19, according to the researchers.

  • Contact with super spreaders

    : Most people are infected with Covid-19 in their own four walls, but the virus is transmitted outside the home.

    These virus transmissions are "essential for maintaining the epidemic," as the study says.

    So-called superspreading events would play an important role - i.e. if an infected person infects many people at an event such as a birthday party or a choir rehearsal, sometimes without showing symptoms themselves.

    A small number of people can therefore be responsible for many infections.

  • Tourist and professional travel

    : It is obvious - due to globalization and possible long-distance travel, pathogens can spread much faster than they did 200 years ago.

    Travel restrictions are therefore a sensible measure to contain the spread of the pandemic, according to the researchers.

    Strict travel restrictions in China have shown that.

In their overview article, which was published on the Science portal, the researchers see an important starting point for containing the pandemic.

However, there are still many unanswered questions: "The relative risk of transmission in various community environments such as restaurants and retail stores is still unclear, as is the effects of measures to curb transmission in these contexts," the portal ORF Science quotes the scientists: "

The closing This and other gaps in knowledge will clarify how the drivers of transmission work together, which feed the pandemic - and how one can fight back

. ”


 * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network


Read more

: More Corona-infections in the winter?

Cold has this effect on the spread of coronaviruses.

Survey on the subject

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List of rubric lists: © Bernd von Jutrczenka / dpa

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