The Limited Times

National People's Congress DQ|U.S. Security Advisor: CCP violates international and commitment to Hong Kong people

11/12/2020, 1:32:38 AM

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made a resolution on November 11, authorizing the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government to disqualify four Democratic Party members. U.S. National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien criticized on the 11th that China violated international commitments.

Instant International

Written by: Ou Jingluo

2020-11-12 09:17

Last update date: 2020-11-12 09:22

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress made a resolution on November 11, authorizing the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government to disqualify four Democratic Party members.

US National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien criticized on the 11th that China violated its international commitments and at the same time violated its commitments to Hong Kong people.

The picture shows that on November 11, the democrats decided to resign in response to the central government's cancellation of 4 pan-democratic members.


O'Brien issued a statement accusing Beijing of depriving the Hong Kong Legislative Council of its membership of democratic parties, reflecting that the Communist Party of China has violated its commitment to the world under the Sino-British Joint Declaration and also violated its commitment to Hong Kong people under the Basic Law.

O'Brien criticized one country, two systems as only a fig leaf for the Chinese Communist Party to expand its dictatorship in Hong Kong, and said that the United States will continue to use all the powers conferred by the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act, the Hong Kong Autonomy Act, and Executive Order No. 13936 to find out And sanction those who undermine Hong Kong’s freedom.

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