The Limited Times

The initiative "Let's make a package to the Camorra" is back

11/12/2020, 9:53:38 AM

Also back this year, with the twelfth edition, the initiative Let's make a package to the Camorra: for the Christmas gifts of our loved ones we could choose between the four packages, which have a different name depending on their content - Together with Il Comm ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, NOVEMBER 12 - The initiative Let's make a package at Camorra is back again this year, with the twelfth edition: for the Christmas gifts of our loved ones we can choose from the four packages, which have a different name according to their content - Together with Commissioner Mascherpa, A sip of culture, Let's drink to freedom, Let's talk with sweetness - full of products that are the fruit of the work of the weakest and most fragile people in society on assets seized and confiscated from criminal organizations. The package is a project born from the New Organized Cooperation Consortium (Nco) which brings together some social cooperatives in the province of Caserta that work the so-called Terre di Don Peppe Diana. "In the seventies and eighties the Campania region experienced the brutality of RaffaeleCutolo's New organized camorra (Nco) - explains Simmaco Perillo, president of Al di là deisogni, one of the consortium cooperatives - which marked the transition from archaic forms of crime to real and its own organized entrepreneurial systems. In our opinion, the answer could only be equally organized and for this reason the "New Organized Cooperation" was born: cooperatives that share the same principles and values ​​and that collaborate insynergically. Our intent is to create a new model of local development: to contribute to a civil growth of the territory supported by the culture of inclusion and lawfulness, involving citizens in a path of appropriation of their land. The goal is to create a social economy starting from assets confiscated from the Camorra and abandoned common assets, through sustainable activities that create decent work for people in difficulty ».

   The initiative Let's make a parcel to the Camorra, which can also count on the support of the Roche Foundation, over the years has expanded to a network of associations which include the Don Peppe Diana, Libera, Cittadinanzattiva Committee. This year the State Police joined the network, in fact the initiative will have an exceptional testimonial, Commissioner Mascherpa who will be reproduced on all four packs and will have a dedicated one where: "In addition to pasta, sauce, oil and to the other delicacies of this land - we read in the letter from Nco accompanying the package - you will find the graphic novel Il Commissario Mascherpa. This policeman with his comic inquiries and messages of civil commitment, contributes to spreading the culture of legality and to the fight against all forms mafia ". Commissioner Mascherpa, now in its third investigation, is conceived and scripted by Luca Scornaienchi, artistic director of the Cosenza Comics Museum, together with the editorial by Poliziamoderna and drawn by Daniele Bigliardo, architect and eclectic artist, for 20 years the draftsman of DylanDog for the publisher Sergio Bonelli. And it is precisely to Daniele Bigliardo's expert pencil that the vestegrafica of the 2020 package has been entrusted: "We wanted him to speak, to send a clear, clear and precise message: the package to the Camorra is none other than the entire civil society that gets together and builds Good - explains Simmaco Perillo - To their Nco which was a criminal organization we respond with our Nco which is an organization of peace, development, wellbeing, welfare, an organization that aims to build a network that includes everyone starting from those who, in operations, block organized crime. We really want to create an economic, cultural and social system that acts as an antidote to the one that built the Camorra and we can only do it through the actors of society. which alone cannot reconstruct a new model. There is therefore a need for the worker, the farmer, the beekeeper. We need the whole community to make a journey together with the police and the image drawn on the package, those people who walk all together side by side gives the idea of ​​how we want to build the "rip-off" of the Camorra ». The four packages can be purchased on the consortium's website at and all the proceeds obtained from the sale will be divided between those who participated in the initiative: "Each one has put something in it and each one will be redistributed something - continues Perillo - When we learned that the proceeds of Poliziamoderna are donated to the Marco Valerio Plan of the Assistance Fund for State Police personnel which supported policemen who have children with serious degenerative diseases, we understand that you do, naturally in different ways, what we do and that it was therefore right be included in the network. We all give a hand to disadvantaged people, to people who have difficulties, to sick people. We want to raise the quality of life and build welfare systems we must take care of those who are left behind for reasons of discomfort, deviance, for reasons of dependence or simply for illness. If we don't take care of them, we don't rebuild an egalitarian, equal welfare system. And if we lose, in the end we will find them in the ranks of organized crime ». (HANDLE).

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