The Limited Times

National People's Congress DQ|Huang Yumin angrily denounces Zheng Songtai for "garbage": it is better to join the establishment than to stay and do nothing

11/13/2020, 5:47:56 AM

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress made a decision on the qualifications of legislative council members. The Hong Kong government immediately disqualified 4 pro-democracy members and triggered 15 pro-democracy members to resign. Only the non-establishmental zealous citizen Cheng Songtai decided to stay in the legislature. The most appropriate time to resign has passed. Former Legislative Council Member Huang Yumin, who formed the "Repu City" election with Zheng Songtai in 2016, said on the Internet program on Wednesday (11th) that "the time is poor" and criticized that staying in office would only do nothing. He described Zheng Songtai as "Rubbish". He also pointed out that if Zheng Songtai hopes to win the election in the future, "It's better for you to join the establishment!"

Political situation

Written by: Liu Jinhua

2020-11-13 13:34

Last update date: 2020-11-13 13:37

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress made a decision on the qualifications of legislative council members. The Hong Kong government immediately disqualified 4 pro-democracy members and triggered 15 pro-democracy members to resign. Only the non-establishmental zealous citizen Cheng Songtai decided to stay in the legislature. The most appropriate time to resign has passed.

Former Legislative Council Member Huang Yumin, who formed the "Repu City" election with Zheng Songtai in 2016, said on the Internet program on Wednesday (11th) that "the time is poor" and criticized that staying in office would only do nothing. He described Zheng Songtai as "Rubbish".

He also pointed out that if Zheng Songtai hopes to win the election in the future, "It's better for you to join the establishment!"

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Huang Yumin talked about the general rhetoric of the pro-democracy party in an online program, criticizing the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Hong Kong government to undermine the "one country, two systems", and believes that there will be no real elections in the future.

Huang Yumin later mentioned that after 19 pro-democracy members left office, Zheng Songtai, who belonged to the non-establishment camp, remained in the parliament. He criticized Zheng Songtai for "doing nothing" in the parliament. "You can stay in the legislature in any circumstances. Yes, I hope that the election will be won in the future? It's better for you to join the establishment!" Said Zheng, "Time is poor."

He appealed to his supporters to scold Zheng Songtai, describing the other party as "scum" and "rubbish." He also pointed out that Zheng Songtai was elected as a member of the Legislative Council because he was "serving his heart and serving his life" and contributed money to canvass for him.

Huang Yumin also talked about the positioning of the legislative council after the democrats resigned. He believes that the parliament can no longer supervise the government, and the establishments are just "slaves" who only "wreak havoc" with the government.

▼ "Repu City" participated in the 16th Legislative Council, Zheng Songtai approved someone to "make the leader" ▼

Zheng Songtai once said: "Without Huang Yumin, we are nothing."

In 2016, Huang Yumin formed the "Hot City" alliance with enthusiastic citizens and the Hong Kong Renaissance Society, and sent 5 people to stand for election. Among them, Huang Yumin fought for re-election in Kowloon West and Zheng Songtai participated in the election of New Territories West. The district referendum is the campaign platform.

Zheng Songtai criticized on the Internet program at the time that Liang Tianqi, who was the "frontline of local democracy" at the time, supported the election of the "New Deal for Youth", ignoring the overall situation and "playing the leader", saying "Without Huang Yumin, we are nothing," and he choked for a while.

In the end, only Zheng Songtai was elected as "Repu City". Huang Yumin failed to be re-elected. "Repu City" was disbanded at any time, and the relationship between the two parties gradually deteriorated.

Former member of the Legislative Council, Huang Yumin, formed the "Hot City" alliance with passionate citizens and the Hong Kong Renaissance Society for the 2016 Legislative Council election. Among them, Huang Yumin ran for Kowloon West and Zheng Songtai for New Territories West. "And "Five districts referendum, constitution of the whole people" is the campaign platform.

The league sent a list of candidates in each of the 5 districts, and in the end only Zheng Songtai was elected.

(Profile picture)

The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office does not name Zheng Songtai's "wise move" for staying

The Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council issued a statement a few days ago sternly condemning the general speech of the democratic parties, and once again stated its stubborn confrontation with the central government, describing it as a blatant challenge to the power of the central government and the authority of the Basic Law.

The spokesperson did not give a name to praise Zheng Songtai, who remained in office. "Some of the congressmen labeled as "opposition" were not kidnapped into the chariot of the "general resignation", but chose to continue to perform their duties as congressmen. Such a wise move deserves recognition.

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