The Limited Times

Peru: three dead during protests against the new president

11/16/2020, 3:54:55 AM

IN IMAGES - Since Tuesday, demonstrations have been taking place in the country. On the new day of protests, Saturday November 14, 63 people were reportedly injured.

At least three people were killed in clashes with the police, Saturday, November 14 in Lima, during a new day of protests in the street against the accession to the presidency of Manuel Merino after the dismissal of Martin Vizcarra.

At least 63 protesters were also reportedly injured.

Read also: Peru: the former president criticizes the new power, calls for "peaceful" demonstrations

Thousands of demonstrators, mostly young people under the age of 25, had again taken to the streets in different cities across the country to demand his resignation and reject what they see as a parliamentary coup.

During the largest march in Lima, the police again used tear gas, including from helicopters, to disperse the crowds who threatened to march on the seat of Parliament.

The Peruvian Parliament voted on Monday to dismiss President Vizcarra for "

moral incapacity

", the head of state being accused of having received bribes while he was governor in 2014. His ouster and the The accession to the presidency of Manuel Merino, a 59-year-old center-right agricultural engineer until then at the head of Parliament, have since Tuesday led to demonstrations across the country.

Protesters take cover from the police in Lima on Saturday, November 14.


"Shot wounds"

The death of a 25-year-old protester was announced by civil servant Alberto Huerta, from the Office of the Ombudsman, a public body responsible for ensuring respect for human rights in Peru.

His body had arrived at Almenara hospital, he said, adding that "

the victim had lead wounds on the face and scalp, according to the doctor


According to the Ministry of Health, at least 63 protesters were also injured.

The People's Defender denounced the indiscriminate use of force by the police.

Protesters protect themselves with all kinds of objects in Lima on Saturday, November 14.


A little later, the Archbishop of Lima, Carlos Castillo, condemned the police repression by announcing on public television that he had just learned that there was "

a third death


"The cries and the clamor of the population"

Seven of Merino's 18 ministers announced their resignation on Saturday evening after the police crackdown, including Health Minister Abel Salinas, according to local media.

Even though the Prime Minister, Antero Flores Araoz, a 78-year-old conservative, had earlier ruled out the president's stepping down under pressure from the protests, this possibility seemed to be clear on Sunday.

The new president, who has remained silent since Saturday, was unreachable Sunday morning.


I call him without success, I have no idea whether he has resigned,

" the Prime Minister told RPP radio.

The demonstrators denounce, like some elected officials, the accession to the presidency of Manuel Merino after the dismissal of Martin Vizcarra.


The head of the Peruvian Congress has asked for the resignation of the new president.


I ask Mr. Merino to consider his immediate resignation

," said Luis Valdez, on the N television channel. The mayor of Lima, Jorge Muñoz, who belongs to the same Popular Action party as Manuel Merino, also demanded the resignation of the president.

The president of the Episcopal Conference urged the government to dialogue and respect the right to demonstrate.


It is essential to listen to and take into account the cries and clamor of the population in order to regain confidence, tranquility and social peace,

" the Archbishop of Trujillo, Miguel Cabrejos said in a statement.

See also

- "

It's irresponsible

": the dismissal of the Peruvian president strongly criticized in the street

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