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A young man who robbed and beat an 84-year-old woman will be sent to about 3.5 years in prison Israel today

11/17/2020, 10:04:43 PM

| CriminalsThe court sentenced Muhammad Ska to 44 months in prison in practice • "The complainant is in a process of deterioration" • The elderly woman's daughter: "Since the incident, mother is afraid to leave the house alone" Muhammad Ska, 25, from Jaffa, who was convicted of robbing 84-year-old Marcel Mishaeli in Jaffa about a year and a half ago, was sentenced today (Tuesday) to 25 months in prison. Ph

The court sentenced Muhammad Ska to 44 months in prison in practice • "The complainant is in a process of deterioration" • The elderly woman's daughter: "Since the incident, mother is afraid to leave the house alone"

Muhammad Ska, 25, from Jaffa, who was convicted of robbing 84-year-old Marcel Mishaeli in Jaffa about a year and a half ago, was sentenced today (Tuesday) to 25 months in prison.

Photo: Archive

In the sentence of Judge Zion Kefah, the Tel Aviv District Court voucher, he stressed that had it not been for the district attorney's penalty petition for four years in prison, he would have imposed a more severe sentence on Ska, adding that he was "a man who did not change his spoiled guests."

The incident took place in July 2019, when Mishaeli walked down Nahal Habsor Street in Jaffa carrying her personal bag with a mobile phone, a key, a credit card and cash.

Ska sat close to the elderly woman, noticed her and decided to rob her of the bag.

He followed her on his bike, approached her unnoticed, shoved her on the shoulder and pulled the bag from her to steal it.

As a result, Mashali fell to the ground.

Ska fled the scene while riding his bicycle, and shortly afterwards threw the bag in the trash nearby.

"His claim that he did not intend to bring about the dire result is an examination of the cry of the robbed Cossack. The defendant continued to use drugs even while his case was pending before the probation service," Judge Kefah wrote.

Regarding Mashali, he added: "Due to the physical difficulties, she stopped visiting the regional club for the elderly, the social connections she ruled, which made her feel isolated and alienated. The violent damage to her neighborhood left her stunned and insecure, and she has difficulty falling asleep. "And her children are anxious and afraid that she will end her life in suffering."

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Kafah writes that "this is how the independent woman became a woman who often spends time in her bed, is unable to walk independently because she cannot use a walking stick or a walker. She needs help in all areas of life including eating, dressing and maintaining personal hygiene."

Monique Shavit, Mishaeli's daughter, told Israel Today that since her mother was attacked, "she is afraid to leave the house alone. If he is a danger, he will be left behind bars. The bad root must be uprooted from society. Before the incident, mother functioned normally and now She has a close caregiver, and other than that she is in anxieties and fears. "

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