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OPINION | Hispanics must demand to be part of the Biden government | CNN

11/17/2020, 2:29:33 AM

The Latino vote has added to the triumph of Joe Biden. They are no longer simple voters: Latinos have overcome passivity and each group has mobilized for their particular demands, attracting the direct attention of the candidates. | Opinion | CNN

Editor's note:

David Bittan Obadia is a lawyer, writer, political and international analyst, columnist for the Venezuelan newspaper El Universal, and contributor to other media.

As a lecturer, he participated in the World Jewish Congress and was president of the Jewish community of Venezuela.

His Twitter account is @davidbittano.

The opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author.

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(CNN Spanish) -

The recent electoral results in the United States show how important the participation of the Hispanic community has been and what this represents on the electoral map.

Hispanics make up 18% of the nation's population, according to Census Bureau estimates.

The Latino vote has added to the triumph of Joe Biden.

They are no longer simple voters: Latinos have overcome passivity and each group has mobilized for their particular demands, attracting the direct attention of the candidates.

Of the executive actions that the president-elect has promised to implement during his first 100 days in the White House, two of them would directly benefit the Hispanic community: the reactivation of the Deferred Action Program for Childhood Arrivals (DACA). in English) and the regularization of undocumented Venezuelans, granting them Temporary Protected Status (TPS, for its acronym in English).


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For their part, there are people of Latino origin such as Tom Pérez, president of the Democratic National Committee, who represent important links within the party.

Pérez is the most important Latino in the Democratic campaign and as a strategist he was very active in the media during the race for the White House, giving answers to the Trump campaign and statements in favor of Biden and his policies.

Additionally, he was a Secretary of Labor in the Obama administration and has experience working with Biden.

Also, several Hispanic organizations have integrated task forces in the Democratic campaign.

Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris have already acknowledged this work.

The Hispanic minority continues to drive economic growth in the United States, but not only because of what it represents: they are more than 26.8 million in the workforce, according to 2016 data from the US Bureau of Statistics.

This segment contributes to all branches of development in the United States: science, technology, arts, medicine, literature, journalism, commerce, sports, politics, among many other fields.

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Hispanics must demand to be part of the cabinet of the new government and have a prominent presence in the public administration, not only because of the two executive actions that have to do with this strip and that Biden has said he will promote in the first 100 days (DACA and TPS for Venezuelans), but to promote, for example, policies to support the Latino population, more budget for the development of immigration programs, among others.

There must be adequate representation of the largest minority in the US in a progressive government that has had inclusion as its motto.

Among the names that are being considered so far for Biden's cabinet, there is only one Hispanic, Alejandro Mayorkas, who could be the Secretary of Homeland Security.

In my opinion, with Biden's leadership, Hispanics will play a prominent role, since they have been part of the victory, and if they want to be heard and take the leap that corresponds to them, they must have representation.

As Biden put it on his campaign platform: "Our collective success depends on the success of the Latino community."

We hope that this will be the case, and that the cultural diversity of the United States will be consolidated together with other minorities.

This has to be the challenge to navigate in a pluralistic and understanding society.

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