The Limited Times

Global security: LR "will very clearly oppose" a deletion of article 24, warns Abad

11/18/2020, 11:30:45 PM

The deputies began on Tuesday the examination of this very controversial law, which provides in particular in article 24 to penalize the dissemination of "the image of the face or any other element of identification" of a police officer or a gendarme .

The LR group in the National Assembly “

will very clearly oppose the attempt to suppress

” article 24 of the comprehensive security bill, its president Damien Abad warned on Wednesday (November 18th).

To read also: Darmanin and Dupond-Moretti: "Fight against those who want to break with the Republic"

He stressed on RFI that his group would support this text and in particular this article on the supervision of the dissemination of the image of police officers, denounced by the left, representatives of journalists and defenders of public freedoms.


We are in favor of article 24 and we will very clearly oppose the attempt to delete this article by members of the majority because today we must protect the police, gendarmes and firefighters

", a- he underlined with reference to the wish of the MoDem, ally of LREM in the Assembly, to see this article deleted.


We must find the right legal balance that allows to protect the freedom of the press (...) but distinguish the work of journalists from that who will put the photo of a police officer on social networks with his address

", underlined Abad.

For the LR deputy, the bill is a text which “

goes in the right direction by giving additional resources and skills to the municipal police


MEPs began its review on Tuesday.

Its article 24 provides for penalizing one year in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros for the dissemination of "

the image of the face or any other element of identification

" of a police officer or a gendarme in intervention when this The purpose of this is to “

undermine his physical or mental integrity


Several hundred people gathered Tuesday afternoon at the call in particular of journalists' unions and human rights associations to protest against the text which would prevent journalists and citizens from filming the police. during demonstrations.

Violent incidents erupted at the end of the day between demonstrators and the police.


“Global security” law: “There was unacceptable violence in front of the National Assembly” denounces Gérald Darmanin