The Limited Times

Legal abortion: the Executive presented its project, which allows conscientious objection

11/18/2020, 10:47:03 AM

This possibility, on a sensitive issue, is not in the National Campaign project. The rest is practically the same.

Mariana Iglesias

11/17/2020 19:15

  • Clarí

  • Society

Updated 11/17/2020 7:15 PM

It was made to wait, but finally,

on the Day of Militancy, and wearing a green tie,

Alberto Fernández announced that he was presenting the

Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy project

that the Executive has prepared since February, and that it does not differ too much from that of the National Campaign for Safe and Free Legal Abortion, except that it

allows personal Conscientious Objection. 

The president decided to make the announcement through a seven-minute video in which he also announced

the thousand-day bill

, to accompany women who require it during pregnancy and the first years of children.

"Throughout the entire electoral campaign, at the time of assuming this Presidency and at the beginning of this parliamentary period, I made a commitment before you that today I come to fulfill. I have sent to the National Congress for its treatment, two draft law so that all women have access to the right to comprehensive health, "announced the president.

Alberto Fernández announcing the presentation of the two projects to Congress

After detailing the two projects, he gave the arguments:

"The criminalization of abortion has been useless

. It has only allowed abortions to occur clandestinely in worrying numbers. Each year around 38,000 women are hospitalized for abortions and since the recovery of democracy they have died more than 3,000 women for that cause. "

"The legalization of abortion

saves women's lives and preserves their reproductive capacities,

many times affected by unsafe abortions. It does not increase the number of abortions or promote them. It only solves a problem that affects public health - he continued -. By personal conviction, I am sure that we are responding to a reality that affects public health and that with this

we are expanding rights

in a society that demands it ".

The president ended with a wish: "Let it be law."

"Let it be law" is the cry of women and many people who have been claiming this right for years.

Especially the youngest from the debate that took place in Congress in 2018.


The project proposes that the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy can be requested

until week 14


After that period, the abortion will be legal for reasons: rape, risk of illness or death.

Once the intervention is requested, it should not take ten days for it to take place (the Campaign project proposes 5 days).

Girls must go with an adult who authorizes them and

adolescents from 13 to 16 can decide if it is not by an invasive method


Those over 16 are considered adults.


Regulate access to voluntary interruption of pregnancy and post-abortion care,

in compliance with the commitments assumed by the Argentine State in matters of public health and human rights

of women and of people with other gender identities with the ability to gestate and to end to contribute to the reduction of preventable morbidity and mortality

", the law is presented.

It also proposes "Preventing unintentional pregnancies through

access to information, comprehensive sexuality education and effective contraceptive methods."

It details: "Women and other people with gender identities with the capacity to gestate have the right to decide and access the termination of their pregnancy up to and

including fourteen (14) weeks

of the gestational process. Outside of the term provided in the previous paragraph, The pregnant person has the right to decide and access the interruption of her pregnancy only in the following situations: If the pregnancy is the result of rape, with the request and the pertinent sworn statement of the pregnant person, before the intervening health personnel. If the life or integral health of the pregnant person is in danger ".

It also states that "dignified treatment", "privacy" and "the patient must be protected from illegitimate interference by third parties", "Confidentiality".

"Autonomy of the will", which explicitly details: "

Health personnel must respect the decisions of patients regarding the exercise of their reproductive rights

, treatment alternatives and their future sexual and reproductive health. The decisions of the patient

must not be subjected to judgments derived from

personal, religious or axiological considerations by the health personnel, their free and autonomous will must prevail ".


It also raises

"access to information"

: "The patient has the right to receive information about her health; the right to information includes not receiving inappropriate information in relation to the one requested. Information must be provided

on the different methods termination of pregnancy,

the scope and consequences of the practice. Said information must be updated, understandable, truthful and provided in language and with accessible formats ".

These points are emphasized because there is ample history of

doctors who have tried to prevent legal interruptions of pregnancies in girls and adolescents,

giving them wrong information or directly denying them their rights. 

Conscientious objection, which is not in the Campaign project although it is in the opinion that had been reached in Congress in 2018, is allowed on a personal level: "The health professional who must intervene directly in the interruption of pregnancy

has the right to exercise conscientious objection.

In order to exercise it, he must: a. Maintain his decision in all areas, public and private, in which he exercises his profession. "

The text still maintains the importance of guaranteeing the intervention, since the patient must be referred, but if there is nowhere to go or who performs the intervention,

no professional can refuse.


can conscientious objection be alleged to refuse to provide postabortion health care.

Action of the National Campaign for Legal Abortion

"There is a political commitment on the part of the national government to build a present State, which accompanies all women, whatever the decision they make, and guarantees access to health. These two bills that we are sending to the Congress of the Nation are complementary and promote

greater social justice and equal opportunities, expand rights

and establish that the State must accompany women in their decisions, taking care of their lives and health in a comprehensive manner, "said the Minister of Gender and Gender. Diversity,

Elizabeth Gómez Alcorta


"We have the obligation to take care of the physical integrity of women in all cases,

avoid deaths due to clandestine abortions

and accompany all those who wish to continue with their pregnancies and are in situations of vulnerability, so that they can fulfill their wish to be a mother. and that they and their sons and daughters have the accompaniment of a present State, "added the minister.

The Minister of Women, Gender Policies and Sexual Diversity of the Province of Buenos Aires

Estela Díaz also celebrated the presentation of the project

: “This announcement

places us in a place where we want politics to be

, it is very important that the President be consistent with the commitment he assumed at the beginning of the legislative agenda. "

"It is an expected announcement. And now we await its urgent treatment so that it is

a neat debate, with scientific arguments and without cheap blows, that is without aggression and democratically. We have

been fighting for this right for many years, so we hope that in 2020 it will be law ",

Jenny Durán, representative of the campaign

, tells


, who sent a statement. 

Network campaign on abortion #EsAhoraAlberto

"The National Campaign for the Right to Safe and Free Legal Abortion welcomes the presentation of the bill for the Voluntary Interruption of the Embrazo (IVE), drafted by the National Executive Power, and hopes that it will immediately begin its treatment in the National Congress ,

along with our project, which was presented on May 28, 2019

with the support of more than 70 signatures of legislative representatives from across the political spectrum and which still has parliamentary status, "says the text.

The Campaign announced

a day of struggle and mobilization

for this Wednesday


"We demand the recognition of the State of our right to abortion and that it be in 2020."

There will be caravans, handkerchiefs, bicycles and interventions in cities throughout the country.