The Limited Times

Endometriosis, why it is important to go to the doctor and not miss it, like Sofía Aragón

11/19/2020, 9:01:25 AM

Sofía Aragón, current beauty queen of Mexico, has endometriosis and says that while she was under the tutelage of Lupita Jones, she could not go to any of her medical appointments. Here we tell you why it is important to do it.

Sofía Aragón

made strong confessions about the abuse and mistreatment she suffered by

Lupita Jones

, and one of them was that as a result of the bad relationship, she stopped going to the doctor to treat her endometriosis.

Aragon said Jones' organization left her adrift and she was unable to keep any of her medical appointments.

"The organization knew that I need [money]. I have a gynecological problem, this I know is something very personal, very private, it's called endometriosis and I had to constantly go to appointments with the gynecologist," he explained.

"Really, during all my preparation I could not go even once and I said to Lupita, 'Please, I need to go to the doctor, I don't have what to do with,' and he said '


, there isn't," he added.

But why was Sofia so worried about going to the doctor?

Here we tell you the reasons.

Endometriosis is an often very painful disorder in which the tissue-like tissue that normally lines the inside of the uterus (endometrium) grows outside the uterus, according to Mayo Clinic. 

This can cause painful periods, discomfort when having sex, painful bowel movements or urination, and excessive bleeding.

Your treatment usually includes medications or surgery, and this will depend on the severity of your symptoms and whether you want to get pregnant.

If left untreated, it can cause serious complications, such as sterility and ovarian cancer, as endometriosis can block the fallopian tube and prevent the egg and sperm from joining, as well as damage the quality of these.

While several studies suggest that ovarian cancer occurs at higher rates than expected in women with this condition.  

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Aragon spoke that she was forced to use her personal savings to pay for her stay in Mexico City, until it ran out and she had to ask him for help.

"When I started to prepare for Mexicana Universal, Lupita told me 'for you there is no money, there is no support and do whatever you want," he confessed.

"I am the only queen in the history of the organization, call her Mexicana Universal, or Nuestra Belleza, which is not given a single peso. I had to pay all my expenses, living, my meals, my gasoline , all the necessary expenses to be able to live in Mexico City and to be able to continue with my preparation, "he said.

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Sofía also pointed out that, in her desperate moments, she would call a friend to tell her that she didn't have enough to eat and that she only had 100 pesos ($ 4.94) in her bank account.

"There is a person in the organization who was very close to me, my

motivational, spiritual


, and I spoke to him crying saying, 'I'll show you my empty fridge; I'll show you my bank account', he had 100 pesos and 'I no longer have to eat, "he said.

After his statements, Jones broke the silence and made it clear to know "whose foot they limp" all the contestants and assured that Aragon was the one who no longer wanted to know anything about the beauty pageants.

See also:

At the age of 24, he will go through a temporary menopause due to endometriosis pain

Create campaign on Instagram to raise awareness and open dialogue about endometriosis

Related video: Chiquis Rivera freezes her eggs due to endometriosis she suffers