The Limited Times

France wants to protect teachers from Islamist attacks

11/19/2020, 8:08:01 AM

"Hands off my teacher, hands off the values ​​of the republic": this is the motto of a French bill. This is to better protect teachers after the murder of Samuel Paty.

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Memory of the murdered French history teacher: Paty was threatened online before his death (archive image)


After the recent attacks in Nice and near Paris, France wants to protect teachers from Islamist attacks and punish hate speeches on the Internet more severely.

This emerges from the draft law on the fight against Islamism, which the cabinet plans to launch on December 9th.

Justice Minister Éric Dupond-Moretti said the law was under the motto: "Hands off my teacher, hands off the values ​​of the republic."

The Minister of Justice told the RTL radio station that anyone who spreads the "poison" of hatred online should be able to "be convicted by a criminal court as part of an immediate demonstration."

In the future, anyone who "puts someone else's life at risk by disseminating information about their private and family life or their job" will also make themselves punishable, according to the draft.

The government is reacting to the murder of the history teacher Samuel Paty near Paris, who showed Mohammed cartoons in class.

Paty had received massive online threats before his death, and his name and school were also made public.

more on the subject

  • Reference to Muslim students: Minister of Education laments pressure on teachers

  • Memory of murdered teachers: a minute's silence in schools for Samuel Paty

  • Attack in church: Investigators find photo of the Parisian teacher killer on the Nice bomber's cell phone

  • Teacher assassination in France: Justice investigates three other suspects after the murder of Samuel Paty

  • France vs.

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With a so-called “anti-coup” regulation, the government also wants to prevent extremists from gaining control of mosques in France.

After the teacher was murdered, a mosque north of Paris was closed, which is said to have incited hatred.

The financing of mosques from abroad, for example by Turkey and Saudi Arabia, is to be controlled more closely.

President Emmanuel Macron presented the main features of the new law in a speech in early October.

Among others, the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan attacked Macron personally afterwards because the head of state had said that Islam was in a "crisis" worldwide.

Icon: The mirror

sun / AFP