The Limited Times

Isère: 24 residents of an nursing home, or a third of residents, died of Covid-19

11/19/2020, 10:32:01 AM

In the space of five weeks, a third of the residents of a retirement home near Grenoble, died. Twenty employees were stupid

Twenty-four residents of a nursing home in Isère located near Grenoble have died in recent weeks after contracting Covid-19, or a third of the residents of the establishment, we learned from management on Wednesday , confirming information from Dauphiné Libéré.

“The epidemic within the establishment is over.

None of the residents who have tested positive are contagious.

It has been a difficult period.

We had one last death this weekend.

It was time for it to stop, ”said Dominique Gerbi, the director.

In total, sixty of the eighty residents of this nursing home located in Noyarey, in the Grenoble metropolitan area, had contracted the coronavirus and twenty-four died from it.

More than 30 residents and 20 employees infected

The epidemic, which began on October 6 within the establishment with a few cases of fevers among residents, also affected some of the employees.

“We immediately tested everyone.

At the end of a week, we already had thirty residents and twenty employees infected.

Many were asymptomatic, ”explains Dominique Gerbi, whose healthcare team has set up“ Covid sectors ”to stem the spread of the virus.


For or against the visits?

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Visits were prohibited to families during the peak of the epidemic, estimated by management "between October 12 and 25", specifies Dominique Gerbi.

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But, according to France Bleu, the director does not regret having maintained the visits, except for this period.

“We always tell ourselves that it could have been avoided.

But the isolation and confinement we experienced during the first wave had deleterious consequences on people's morale and dependence, ”she explains.