The Limited Times

Majella Park, Peppina now in the woods with radio collar

11/19/2020, 8:04:21 AM

(HANDLE)Capture only in an emergency, and emergency it was. Now Peppina the bear has her new radio collar; the veterinarians and biologists of the Majella National Park will now be able to better control his movements, but the GPS collar alone will not be able to avoid new raids in chicken coops to look for food before hibernation. The 13-year-old 'problematic' bear, 135 kg, was captured during the night

Capture only in an emergency, and emergency it was.

Now Peppina the bear has her new radio collar;

the veterinarians and biologists of the Majella National Park will now be able to better control his movements, but the GPS collar alone will not be able to avoid new raids in chicken coops to look for food before hibernation.

The 13-year-old 'problematic' bear, 135 kg, was captured during the night in Palena (Chieti) where, attracted by a large quantity of apples, she entered the 'tube trap' placed last night near one of the chicken coops she had. targeted in recent days.

"With the capture and application of the radio collar - explains the director of the Park, Luciano Di Martino - we will be able to have a more careful monitoring of Peppina's movements in such an important moment, such as the one before entering the den.

We will also be able to be closer to the population when the bear makes forays into inhabited centers and therefore to make the various measures implemented to prevent damage more effective and targeted.

I would like to emphasize that the capture of Peppina the bear, in a period in which we decided to limit the field activities, was carried out by the operators involved, also respecting all the anti-covid procedures. "

Peppina, awakened by the sedation necessary to apply the radio collar, has already returned to its woods. (ANSA).