The Limited Times

The success model of 'FIFA 21': more stickers and pachangas than realism

11/19/2020, 7:23:32 PM

The new edition of the successful video game saga is presented as a version leaning towards the arcade and with online modes as its great bet

The new edition of the


video game saga

landed last October on the consoles of players around the world with an air of revolution, before the imminent launch of the new Xbox and PlayStation consoles.

But the general consensus of the experts is that the changes in depth will have to wait for future versions, in which the Next Gen graphics will try to change the rules of the game.

Despite being a continuous chapter, in


Yes, there are evolutions in some aspects of the gameplay, especially through improvements in dribbling and in the greater difficulty when defending.

Now, online matches between players end up with very bulky results and dribbles more typical of street football than real competition.



0, people complained that few goals were scored, and now people complain that they receive many. What is the good model, the arcade, which is more fun, but it makes you more upset, Or a simulation that recreates a League game with zero shots on goal? "Asks Toniemcee, an expert in the world of video games, and host of

El Córner,

by EA Sports.



stars in the audiovisual format of the house of the game, and a large part of its contents are directed to the new star format of FIFA, the Ultimate Team mode.

"It was born as a way in which you collected player cards, creating a dream team with players from all over the world," explains Toni in the video that accompanies this news.

Now, the levels of customization reach all corners of the field, with the possibility of choosing the equipment, the stadium type or the decoration of the same that you want from a myriad of options between real teams, video game professionals or own game designs.

Within the mode, the player can play against the machine in Squad Battles, against other players in Division Rivals, or challenge the cards themselves to acquire higher level players.

But this model does not quite connect with everyone.

This is the case of Nacho González, presenter of

La Media Inglesa

and narrator of the Premier League on DAZN.

He has been a user since he was a child and has grown up wanting to simulate on the console the successes of the teams that he saw on television, in the 2000s, when PES and FIFA competed to make the best simulator.

"I think Ultimate Team is an excellent idea, but I'm not particularly interested in what is competed in that way, and it motivates me more to win a Champions League, for example," he says.

González understands that FIFA is betting on the



, which favors the offensive style, but does not quite feel comfortable playing with strangers on the Internet: "I feel part of a group that gets too hot against people I do not know, and then with the machine it doesn't happen to me. And I don't play video games to get mad. "

González says he has received threatening messages from other players, and although he has not taken them seriously, he admits that he is surprised by how personal duels against other players become.

The dark side of FIFA Points

Ilie Oleart is Nacho's partner in

La Media Inglesa

, and together they reel the news of British football on YouTube.

Oleart was a huge fan of the game, but stopped playing regularly several years ago.

He wanted to recreate the reality of the daily management of a club and he found it in

Football Manager

, a football simulator with a huge database that allows managing every aspect of a football institution.

The YouTube channel director viewed


as a social activity, when he would hang out with up to eight friends in a lounge to play in the evenings.

Now, he is not very sure to what extent he interacts with another player who is unknown and with whom he does not communicate.

But what worries him the most are some things he sees from gaming professionals, such as videos of


breaking console controls or furniture when losing, or in which they claim to have spent tens of thousands of euros in forming a team through FIFA Points, with which you can buy packs.

"I think there should be a control. It is a game aimed mainly at minors, and it seems to me that there is an obvious risk of addiction and excessive spending," he says about FIFA Points.

Oleart compares it to the advertising of the betting houses and fears that it will change the playful function of the video game: "it seems that the objective of all this is no longer to have fun, but to win, and that has something perverse".

Be that as it may,


21 has refined its mechanics and one more year promises a massive show that will reach all corners of the world.

Gameplay or realism.

Hobby or competition.

The legacy of the most successful soccer saga of the moment faces its own future.

We will see how the game ends.