The Limited Times

Video lessons: private students and high school students had an advantage during shutdown

11/19/2020, 9:54:36 AM

How were students taught during and shortly after the shutdown? A study shows differences between school types.

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Online teaching: With the gradual opening of the schools, the difference between the school types was particularly large

Photo: damircudic / Getty Images

During the weeks of school closure from mid-March, pupils from grammar schools and private schools had more lessons via video than children and adolescents at other types of school.

That emerges from the analysis of the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) Berlin.

The authors of the study evaluated a special survey by the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) on the consequences of the corona pandemic, which contained information from parents in 1,812 households with school children aged 7 to 18 years.

The surveys took place from the beginning of April to the beginning of July.

Accordingly, during the shutdown in spring

  • 36 percent of high school students have access to learning material via video conferences,

  • in the case of secondary schools, secondary schools and comprehensive schools, however, it was only 25 percent.

  • The proportion in primary schools was even lower, where only 17 percent of students were trained via video conferencing during the lockdown.

    The authors write that this is also due to the age difference.

If one differentiates the offer according to school sponsorship, then, according to the study, it shows

  • that 34 percent of private students were taught via video,

  • in the case of public schools, however, it was 25 percent.

In June, when the schools were at least partially open again, but face-to-face teaching mostly took place in shifts or was combined with digital formats, the difference was even clearer.

more on the subject

  • Pisa evaluation: What should change in Germany's schoolsBy Silke Fokken

  • Schools and Corona: Germany found it particularly difficult to switch to digital teaching

  • Education in the corona crisis: learning falls flat by Kristin Haug

  • Survey in Corona times: This is how parents experience digital teachingBy Silke Fokken

  • GEW survey: Teachers are dissatisfied with digital lessonsBy Armin Himmelrath

Accordingly, at the time

  • 57 percent of high school students taught by video,

  • at the other school types it was only 23 percent.

Private students, on the other hand, went to school more frequently after the shutdown.

According to the authors, one possible explanation is that private schools were able to implement hygiene concepts more quickly due to their usually lower number of pupils.

The study authors rate the results critically with a view to equal opportunities.

The difference between the school types »is not necessarily pedagogically meaningful.

This can increase educational inequalities «, said co-author C. Katharina Spieß.

"If we want to raise all schools to a similar digital level, we must act quickly."

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