The Limited Times

Carrefour and Leclerc vote for a postponement of Black Friday

11/20/2020, 9:41:08 AM

"Proposal is made to be able to open the stores on November 28, in return for postponing operations planned for Black Friday," said the emblematic center manager E. Leclerc.

A possible postponement of Black Friday is becoming clearer.

Defended by the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, Wednesday in the Senate, the idea that this flagship promotional operation, a few weeks before Christmas, should be postponed, receives the support of important players in the trade in France.

Read also: Stores: a health protocol to reopen from November 27

In a message posted on Twitter, the president of the Leclerc rally, Michel-Édouard Leclerc, explained that “a

proposal [was] made to be able to open the stores on November 28, in return for postponing operations planned for Black Friday.

E.Leclerc members will rally to a collective approach that would go in this direction,

”wrote the businessman.

At the same time, the Carrefour group told Reuters it agreed to suspend its Black Friday-related operations from November 27 to 29.

Asked by us, Amazon France is delaying this Thursday.

The company explains "

take note

" of the comments made by the minister the day before.


As since the start of the epidemic, we take into account the evolution of the health context

," said the group, adding that it will "take a

position accordingly when the time comes


In a joint statement sent on Wednesday evening, the National Council of Shopping Centers (CNCC), the Confederation of Merchants of France (CDF), the National Federation of


Centers "

Vitrines de France

" (FNCV), the French Federation of Associations of Merchants (FFAC) and the Merchants and Craftsmen of Metropolis of France (CAMF) for their part greeted the words of Bruno Le Maire.


The postponement of Black Friday [...] is a first step forward in the repair of these structural injustices that we have constantly denounced

", welcomed the professionals.

However, they stuck to their position by calling for a reopening of businesses on November 27, their "top



A postponement to avoid crowds in the stores

For the executive, the postponement of Black Friday is justified by reasons linked to the epidemic: Bercy stressed, Wednesday, that it was "

not opportune

" for a promotional operation of this scale to be held between the 27 and November 29, “

taking into account the health situation


This postponement would avoid "a monster crush in the stores", at a time when the executive is trying to regain control of the epidemic, confirmed a government source.

The authorities fear to see crowds gathering in the stores, while the overwhelming majority of sales linked to Black Friday (85%, or 5 billion euros) are made "

in physical

", in stores, against 15% only “

via platforms

” online, according to the Ministry of the Economy.

A meeting is underway at Bercy on the subject.

In particular, it brings together players from the Federation of Commerce and Distribution Companies (FCD) and the Federation of E-Commerce and Distance Selling (FEVAD).

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