The Limited Times

Covid-19: 85% of French people fear "a social explosion"

11/20/2020, 6:58:50 AM

More than eight in ten French people (85%) fear “ a social explosion ” in the coming months and nine in ten say they are worried about the economic and social consequences of the health crisis, according to an Ifop poll for Cnews and Sud Radio published on Thursday. Read also: Covid-19: how France is preparing for a very large vaccination campaign 85% of the population believe that " in the comi

More than eight in ten French people (85%) fear “

a social explosion

” in the coming months and nine in ten say they are worried about the economic and social consequences of the health crisis, according to an Ifop poll for Cnews and Sud Radio published on Thursday.

Read also: Covid-19: how France is preparing for a very large vaccination campaign

85% of the population believe that "

in the coming months, France may experience a social explosion

", against 72% in January 2020 and 66% in November 2018. Among these 85%, 26% think that this will happen "


" and 59% “



Supporters of the RN and LFI are the most likely to think so (94% and 93% respectively), but they are also 84% among supporters of LR, 79% of those of the PS and 62% of those of LREM.

In addition, 90% of those questioned say they are worried about the economic and social consequences of the crisis and 69% are worried about themselves and their families.

Loss of confidence in government

After a comeback at the start of the school year, confidence in the government is eroding again.

Only 45% of French people say they trust him to "

help companies in difficulty because of the coronavirus

" (52% after the end of the first confinement and 51% after the announcement of the reconfinement).

55% don't trust him.

They are also only 39% to trust him to “

face effectively

” the virus (44% at the end of the first confinement and 41% after the announcement of the reconfinement).

61% don't trust him for it.

Asked also about "

the equipment and protection of the police

" while the National Assembly is discussing the proposed law "Global security", 68% say they are in favor of "

the establishment in the medium and large cities with a municipal police force equipped (batons, tear gas ...) but not equipped with lethal weapons

”, and 55% in favor of lethal weapons.

They are 65% to be favorable "

to the fact that, in the media, the face of the police officers or gendarmes is no longer visible but henceforth blurred


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