The Limited Times

Do you eat irregularly? Why you should get used to regular meals now

11/20/2020, 3:05:25 PM

Not only what, also when we eat has an impact on our health. Researchers find a link between mealtime and heart disease.

Not only what, also when we eat has an impact on our health.

Researchers find a link between mealtime and heart disease.

  • Those who eat well-balanced supply the body with all the important nutrients.

  • In addition to the choice of food, you should also pay attention to the time of eating.

  • US researchers were able to find out in a study that irregular food intake has a negative effect on the heart and circulation.

    According to the scientists, one widespread disease in particular is favored


Mornings, lunches and evenings are eaten: What is still common practice in many households, many people now think differently.

This is how you eat when you are hungry - and that is often late in the evening *.

A team of researchers from the USA


the question of how

irregular eating patterns affect health

- with terrifying results.

Nour Makarem's team from Columbia University came to the conclusion that feasting in the evening in particular increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

"Here we show that it's not just about when to eat -

it's also about the daily regularity and regularity of food intake on the weekend and during the week

," as Makarem is quoted in a statement from the American Heart Association (AHA) .

Increased blood pressure due to late meals - BMI also increases

The US researchers examined the eating habits of 116 women between the ages of 20 and 64 years.

The study participants kept an electronic


diary for a week

in which they recorded what and when they had eaten.

A year later, 99 of the subjects repeated the process.

The researchers evaluated, among other things, when the first and when the last meal took place,

what percentage of the daily calorie intake was consumed after 8 p.m.

, how long the meals lasted and compared these data with the blood pressure values ​​and the body mass index (BMI ) of the participants.

It was found that lavish meals in the evening had a negative effect on blood pressure: According to the Heilpraxisnet portal, for every ten percent increase in calories consumed after 5 p.m., the systolic blood pressure rose by almost three points and the diastolic blood pressure rose by more than two points .

The long-term blood sugar level HbA1c also rose.

The study participants who consumed the majority of their daily calories after 8 p.m. also had an

increased risk of storing belly fat and the BMI also tended to rise in this case


Also noticeable: the greater the time difference between meals consumed during the week and those taken on the weekend, the more

negative the influence on blood pressure and BMI

- two factors that have a significant impact on heart health.


 * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editorial network


To the study

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