The Limited Times

France kicks off 5G

11/20/2020, 7:37:09 PM

DECRYPTION - After months of testing, SFR is opening this new technology to the general public in Nice. The other three operators will follow.

The kickoff of 5G for the general public in France is given this Friday at noon.

For this launch, SFR chose Nice, which becomes the first city in France to be covered.

A decision fully assumed by its mayor, Christian Estrosi, while many city councilors are instead asking for a moratorium on this technology, when they are not outright opposed.

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5G: the factory of the future is built thanks to telecoms

In this context of strong opposition, telecom operators are walking on eggshells.

They are committed to deploying their network, but also to preserving their good relations with mayors.

“It looks like an indoor bike race, where everyone looks at their competitors to find out who will start first,”

laughs a connoisseur of the file.

The whole question is whether the operators will override the reluctance of elected environmentalists and still deploy 5G or whether they will concentrate their efforts in more welcoming cities.

With Nice, SFR has decided.

For its part, Orange should launch its commercial services

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