The Limited Times

In the queue of the soup kitchen they create a crowd, fined

11/20/2020, 4:16:04 PM

Municipal commander, after many reminders necessary intervention (ANSA)Queuing to have a meal at the canteen for the needy they were fined because they didn't keep the distance and some didn't have masks. It happened yesterday in via Prè, a historic street in the historic center of Genoa.     The municipal police intervened after numerous reports from residents and committees. "After the reports - explained the commander of the municipal police Gianluca Giurato - fo

Queuing to have a meal at the canteen for the needy they were fined because they didn't keep the distance and some didn't have masks.

It happened yesterday in via Prè, a historic street in the historic center of Genoa.

    The municipal police intervened after numerous reports from residents and committees.

"After the reports - explained the commander of the municipal police Gianluca Giurato - for several days we went to raise awareness. We called the people in line several times to respect the rules. But despite everything they continued to not respect the rules and we had to intervene ".

    The agents sanctioned several people. One of them was also reported because he lied saying he was a minor. Taken to the Gaslini pediatric hospital from the x-rays it emerged that he was of age. During the service, also in via Pré, six other people were fined again for non-compliance with anti-contagion rules.

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