The Limited Times

Justice facing a wave of foreign offenders

11/20/2020, 2:46:10 PM

Out of three minors brought before the Paris prosecutor's office, two are “unaccompanied”. The share of young adults is also exploding.

“We do not want justice to be held responsible for what the prefectures do not carry out.

Everyone must play their part. "

In this Parisian jurisdiction, as in many others, legal professionals have observed an increase in foreigners and unaccompanied minors implicated in crimes, often serious.

Read also:

Foreign minors offenders, the puzzle of the prosecution

The Paris prosecutor's office does not hide the fact that now 75% of minors referred, or two out of three minors, are illegal minors whose identity and real age are very difficult to determine.

"It is a growing problem"

, we recognize within the Parisian jurisdiction.

Break-in theft

Elsewhere in Île-de-France, in Val-d'Oise in particular, the prosecution offices record several cases per week involving foreign minors, including break-ins from traders or even individuals, sometimes in the presence of the occupants.

The Pontoise juvenile court registers 10 cases per month, i.e. one to

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