The Limited Times

Lille: firm prison required against a young man for apologizing for terrorism on the internet

11/20/2020, 7:06:55 PM

The prosecution requested Thursday, November 19, 18 months in prison including 12 suspended sentences against a young man converted to Islam judged in immediate appearance in Lille for apologizing for terrorism on social networks and arrested a few days after the beheading by Samuel Paty. Read also: The facts of apology for terrorism or threats have exploded since the assassination of Samuel Paty

The prosecution requested Thursday, November 19, 18 months in prison including 12 suspended sentences against a young man converted to Islam judged in immediate appearance in Lille for apologizing for terrorism on social networks and arrested a few days after the beheading by Samuel Paty.

Read also: The facts of apology for terrorism or threats have exploded since the assassination of Samuel Paty

The prosecutor, Antoine Berthelot, requested 18 months in prison, 12 of which were accompanied by a probationary suspension of two years as well as continued detention, against this 21-year-old Roubaisien, converted in 2015.

The defendant, with long black hair tied in a ponytail, had to answer for the publication on social networks of photos and videos of the Islamic State (IS) group and of texts celebrating his action, between 2019 and his arrest on October 19 2020. He pleaded “


” and “


”, as well as the will to inform.

Among the publications for which he is accused, a text posted on Instagram in which he praises ISIS's action in Egyptian Sinai, where the organization is said to distribute candy to children and open free health centers after establishing the sharia.


It positions itself as a fact checker, but its dissemination is not factual, informative, but obviously apologetic, and it makes an apology that is not crude, it is a much more insidious approach, much more formidable because that it is more stealthy,

”said the prosecutor.


We have just said that terrorism is only a modality of a legitimate action

", he protested, pointing to the publication of "

contents which aim to normalize the action of the Islamic State


Followed by territorial intelligence, this inhabitant of Roubaix, where he has a job, was arrested three days after the beheading of history and geography professor Samuel Paty.

If he is not prosecuted for this, countless jihadist videos have also been found on his computer equipment, including that of the alleged assassin of the history and geography professor, in the process of being edited.


I nosed around a little too far with my curiosity but I always displayed my position against the crimes committed

", assured the young man.

He's here to pay for everyone!

"Lamented his lawyer, Me Nora Missaoui, pleading an"

unhealthy curiosity

"from a"

lost young man who had not thought about the impact of his publications


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