The Limited Times

This is the tactic Trump will use to try to reverse the election results Israel today

11/20/2020, 9:26:03 PM

The U.S. President's Attorney has petitioned a Pennsylvania court to have the state legislature elect the electorate. United States

The U.S. president's attorney has petitioned a Pennsylvania court in which Biden has won, requesting that the state legislature be the one to elect the electorate. • At the same time, in his campaign, members of the Michigan Election Commission pressured them to refuse to confirm results in one state

US President Donald Trump's legal efforts to overturn the election results are not bearing fruit yet, and the Republican campaign is now focusing on another path: an attempt to pressure local committees not to approve the results, a procedural procedure that until the current election campaign was largely formal.

Photo: Reuters

The new tactics of Trump and his people were showcased in the state of Michigan.

In the state's Wayne County, which includes the city of Detroit and is made up mostly of black voters who supported huge classes of President-elect Joe Biden, the plot got complicated on Tuesday.

The two Republicans on the District Election Commission initially refused to ratify the vote count for no real reason, and at one point even proposed not to include Detroit in the approval process.

Their refusal initially stalled the process, but the pressure from participants in and out of the debate caused both Republicans to back down, and agree to ratify the results.

Only here, it turns out, the drama has only just begun.

After the vote, Trump himself called the two yesterday (Wednesday) for the two, William Hartman and Monica Palmer, to thank them, and on Tuesday they even signed an oath statement pressuring them to confirm the results.

Hartman even claimed that he had received a promise that an independent examination of the count would be conducted in Detroit, and that without it he "would not have agreed to the approval."

The Republican campaign even decided, ostensibly in the wake of the affidavits, to withdraw the federal petition they filed to suspend the vote-approval in Wayne County.

"We have achieved what we wanted - to stop the ratification of votes before we can ensure that every legal vote is counted," the Trump campaign claimed.

But it is not clear whether the US president really believes they have succeeded.

A spokeswoman for the Secretary of State for Michigan, who is in charge of the state election, stressed that "there is no legal mechanism to cancel the vote of committee members. Their job is over, and the next step is to approve the state-level vote - a meeting scheduled for Monday," said spokeswoman Tracy Weimer.

Meanwhile, in another key state where Biden won, Pennsylvania, Republican lawyers today filed a petition in court calling for Trump to be declared the winner.

"The election results are flawed, and the Pennsylvania Legislature (a Republican-controlled body, YH) should be allowed to elect the electors (who elect the president, YH)," read a document submitted by Trump's personal attorney, former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani.

District Judge Matthew Brown has already expressed great doubt about the Republican arguments in Tuesday's preliminary hearing, and legal experts estimate that the chances of the prosecution winning are nil.

In Wisconsin, another key state where Trump lost, an order was given yesterday to begin a partial recount in Democratic counties, after the Republican campaign passed the necessary payment.

As a rule, the time of the outgoing president to change the results is running out, when according to the constitution all states must ratify their voting results by December 8th.

At a lengthy press conference that Giuliani held yesterday, it was claimed that the company responsible for the voting machines in a number of key countries is partly owned by two Venezuelan citizens who had good relations with the regime of dictator Nicholas Maduro and his predecessor Hugo Chavez.

It was alleged that the company had allegedly acted to secure victories of regimes in which the elections were for protocol only (the company denied this outright and claimed that it was not under the control of foreign entities).

According to the legal team, the extent of the forgeries in the last election was nationwide and was also partly managed by elements who had aided dark circles in the past.

"After they stopped counting the votes in the middle of the night, company officials began putting votes in the count (in favor of Biden)," the campaign's senior lawyer, Sydney Powell, claimed.