The Limited Times

The monarchy as a form of national sadism

11/22/2020, 7:24:23 AM

'The Crown' tells the story of a family kidnapped by a nation that, in exchange for a few palaces and a series of privileges, is condemned to entertain the people

At this point (fourth season already) I have not yet decided if

The Crown

is a royalist or a republican.

If you look at it from the legitimist side, the series chronicles the sacrifice of a family for the unity and stability of the British nation.

If you look at it from the republican side, the series narrates the outrages of a clan of profiteers who stick to the great palace life at the expense of the treasury.

There is, I think, a third way, which I call the "


or Stephen King look":

The Crown

tells the story of a family kidnapped by ...

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