The Limited Times

"Solidarity is not a one-way street"

11/23/2020, 3:41:08 PM

Due to an illness, the Peitingen master carpenter Hans-Peter Einberger has not been able to practice his profession for two years. And as if that weren't enough, he now has trouble with the GEZ.

Due to an illness, the Peitingen master carpenter Hans-Peter Einberger has not been able to practice his profession for two years.

And as if that weren't enough, he now has trouble with the GEZ.


- 2018 was a decisive year for Hans-Peter Einberger.

In January the master carpenter noticed the first symptoms, suddenly he lacked the strength, he felt limp and weak.

But the Peitinger did not allow himself a break despite the warning signals.

“For now I went on.” After all, Einberger didn't want to disappoint his customers.

In 2001 he dared to take the step into self-employment after his previous employer, Gnettner Holzindustrie in Schongau, had ceased operations.

From then on, the 57-year-old was on the road as a one-man company - until his body stopped playing along.

Einberger came to the hospital, cardiovascular weakness, intensive care unit.

Since then, physical work is no longer an option.

In 2019, when he was feeling a little better, he tried again.

But the master carpenter had to admit: “It doesn't work anymore.” For him it was “a huge step in life”, the 57-year-old looks back today.

Hans-Peter Einberger has been officially unable to work since June 2019.

The 57-year-old had to give up his business and has not had a company car since then.

What the Peitinger forgot in all the stress, however, was to inform the "ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Contribution Service", as the GEZ is now officially called, about it.

It was only in May of this year that Einberger noticed that the radio license fee for his company car radio, which had long since been defunct, was still being debited.

No problem, thought the Peitinger, and sent a letter to the contribution service, in which he described the facts and asked for retroactive reimbursement of the overpaid fees.

But the only confirmed the termination.

A retroactive reimbursement is unfortunately not possible, the Peitinger was informed and asked to transfer the outstanding amount of 17.49 euros.


Hans-Peter Einberger is annoyed about the GEZ

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An answer that annoys Einberger.

It's not about the money, but about the principle, complains the Peitinger.

The contribution service itself advertises the solidarity model on its website when it comes to broadcasting contributions.

“But solidarity is not a one-way street.” The Chamber of Crafts shows how things can be improved, says Einberger.

There, too, he overlooked the termination, but the contributions he had already paid for 2019 were refunded retrospectively without any objection.

With the contribution service, press spokesman Christian Gärtner can understand the displeasure of Hans-Peter Einbergers.

To meet him and to waive the contributions retrospectively is actually not possible, he emphasizes again.

Gärtner refers to the State Treaty on Broadcasting Contribution, according to which "the obligation to contribute ends at the end of the month in which the owner of the apartment, business premises or motor vehicle ends, but not before the end of the month in which the responsible state broadcaster or the Contribution service from ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio is communicated ”.

In the interests of equal treatment, no exception can be made, the press spokesman regrets.

Hans-Peter Einberger can only shake his head at this.

The Peitinger has meanwhile grudgingly paid the outstanding amount - "for the sake of peace," as he says.

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