The Limited Times

Chef cooks and brings food to those affected by Hurricane Iota in Honduras

11/23/2020, 10:23:36 PM

The noble action of this man is proof that there are still people who give everything in exchange for a smile.

This year will be remembered as the year of the accumulation of catastrophes,

but it will be the same year in which the good hearts of anonymous people and familiar faces come out in these situations. 

One of them is José Ramón Andrés Puerta, who is a Hispanic-American chef, restaurateur, and founder of World Central Kitchen (WCK)

, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing food after natural disasters and who



contributed his bit by giving eat those affected by Hurricane Iota.

MIRA TAMBIÉN: Join 'En Casa Con Telemundo' and help those affected by the hurricanes in Central America

Through José Ramón, the organization was present to cook and thus be able to support hundreds of affected people who have lost everything due to the rains

left by the tropical depression hitting Guatemala and Honduras hard.

This is not the first time that José Andrés has collaborated by donating his culinary art, before the chef has already traveled to Haiti, Houston or Puerto Rico, he has been awarded the prize for the

"hospitality company committed to social responsibility" and included in the list of candidates for person of the year.

Their solidarity does not understand borders because the Asturian cook resides in the United States and has traveled to Central America

with the mission of eradicating hunger with food and water by boat for isolated families and shelters.

It should be noted that Honduras was the nation in

Central America that suffered the most from the effects of the natural phenomenon, where it left extensive inhabited territories flooded by the overflowing of rivers and streams.