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Coronavirus: Marseille adopts emergency measures for the most vulnerable

11/23/2020, 9:53:42 PM

The opposition also voted for these social support provisions, but regretted “common law responses” to “an ex crisis.

Food aid, tax exemption… The Marseille city council adopted emergency measures on Monday for the most vulnerable affected by the health crisis.

Initially scheduled for November 9, this council had been postponed and its agenda changed to integrate these social support provisions, in a city where the poverty rate exceeded 25% in 2017 according to INSEE.

The main measures adopted, for a budget of just over one million euros, relate in particular to a doubling of food aid for the homeless with 1,000 meals a day and a subsidy to the municipal social action center. (CCAS) increased to 200,000 euros, to help families do their shopping.

Electric atmosphere

Other aid includes a subsidy to the CROUS to support the distribution of meals to students and an exemption from the November public land use fee for sedentary traders.

This action plan is in addition to the Covid-19 budget for the city of Marseille, costed by the financial assistant, Joël Canicave, at 35 million euros since the first confinement.

At the Town Hall, the ecologist mayor Michèle Rubirola, elected at the head of a union list of the left, had called at the beginning of the meeting the 101 Marseille elected officials, masked and separated by windows, to show the example of a common mobilization against Covid-19 by debating with "moderation and courtesy".

To avoid "political games that are not circumstantial", the majority had told the press to have removed from the agenda certain controversial issues, such as a deliberation initially planned on the reception of migrants, which will however be examined during of a next tip.

"You sold the dream to the voters"

If the opposition voted for the emergency measures, it regretted “common law responses” to “an exceptional crisis”, arguing for much larger sums invested in this area by the department and the region headed by the right.

She also denounced insufficient tax exemptions for businesses and the suspension of the Christmas market.

The Paca region, chaired by Renaud Muselier (LR), for example announced on Friday support for the tourism sector with assistance for the payment of rents with an initial envelope of 3 million euros, support for emerging from the crisis and supply 150,000 washable masks and 20,000 antigenic tests.

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"You sold the dream to voters, five months after your election what hope do you have?

»Criticized the elected LR Catherine Pila after the assistant for social affairs, Audrey Garino, questioned the legacy of Jean-Claude Gaudin in the explosion of poverty in Marseille.