The Limited Times

Covid: on the roof of the car for hours to see the hospitalized mother

11/23/2020, 9:27:23 PM

Photograph of the girl posted on Facebook (ANSA) She stayed for hours on the roof of her car to try to greet, at least with a virtual hug, the mother hospitalized at the Valduce hospital in Como who cannot see due to the rules imposed to combat the spread of the coronavirus.     His photo taken yesterday, emblematic of the difficulties and anxiety experienced by people who have relatives in hospital, was posted on Facebook by Salvatore Amura,

 She stayed for hours on the roof of her car to try to greet, at least with a virtual hug, the mother hospitalized at the Valduce hospital in Como who cannot see due to the rules imposed to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

    His photo taken yesterday, emblematic of the difficulties and anxiety experienced by people who have relatives in hospital, was posted on Facebook by Salvatore Amura, who lives in front of the hospital.

News taken from the Province of Como.

    "I live in front of the Valduce hospital in Como, the first floors are occupied by the Covid wards - he wrote in the post - Since March, doctors and nurses have been moving frantically night and day harnessed and incessantly treating, bringing comfort and trying to do everything possible to save people. It often happens that we see family and friends trying to greet their relatives, make them feel a closeness, the presence of their loved ones. From the street even for hours without success.

    "" In the photo I took in the late afternoon, a girl who since this morning had tried to greet his mother - writes Amura - He was desperate because he could not see her but without giving up.

    Here above the roof of his car that is still trying to be recognized. We hope all this ends soon. "