The Limited Times

Covid: Tar suspends the closure of Calabria schools

11/23/2020, 10:08:55 PM

The Tar of Catanzaro suspended the ordinance with which the acting president of the Region Nino Spirlì had ordered, from 16 to 28 November, the suspension of teaching also of kindergartens, elementary and middle schools (limited to the first class) excluded from ... (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - CATANZARO, 23 NOV - The Tar of Catanzaro has suspended the ordinance with which the acting president of the Region Nino Spirlì had ordered, from 16 to 28 November, the suspension of teaching also of nursery, elementary and middle schools (limited to the first class ) excluded from the closures foreseen by Prime Minister Conte's Dpcm. The hearing on the merits is set for December 16. The TAR considered that there was "the requirement of the 'periculum' having regard in particular to the serious educational, training and learning prejudice falling" on the boys. The preliminary investigation based on the regional ordinance, according to the decision of the TAR, was drafted "without certainty of the causal link between the carrying out in the presence of the didactic activities and the occurrence of contagions, also given the absence of interlocutions with the Scholastic Institutes (considered all in the same way places where respect for interpersonal distancing is 'complicated'). The investigation - writes in the order the president of the Tar Giancarlo Pennetti - as well as being based on chronologically not far from those of the Dpcm and the subsequent inclusion of Calabria in the red zone , in any case, as reported in the motivational preamble, in arranging a general closure, i.e. extended to the regional inter-territory, without any discrimination between different local situations or different parts of the territory, of educational activities in presence without at least likely indication of coefficients and / or percentage of contagion referable to pupils and o school workers but exclusively on the basis of the mere representation of the 'connected to the numerous infections of students and school operators' ". Elements that for the TAR lead "to the conclusion that the correlation and in any case - even if it exists - its consistency and territorial distribution seem to be the result of a summary and deficient procedural investigation based on data and hypotheses destined to find more precise confirmation only after the effectiveness of the 'ordinance' de qua '". Despite the decision of the TAR, the schools remain closed in Catanzaro where the order of the mayor Sergio Abramo remains in force. (HANDLE).