The Limited Times

Danone, AstraZeneca, Netanyahu in Saudi Arabia… The information to remember this afternoon

11/23/2020, 7:41:36 PM

Here are the highlights of the news in the middle of the day this Monday, November 22.Info not to be missed The Danone group is not immune to the terrible economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and suffers in particular from a sharp drop in purchases of mineral water during confinement. To cope with this upheaval, the French agri-food giant is announcing a savings plan of one billion euros in 2023, which will involve the elimination of around 1,500 to 2,000 jobs, including 400 t

Info not to be missed

The Danone group is not immune to the terrible economic impact of the Covid-19 pandemic and suffers in particular from a sharp drop in purchases of mineral water during confinement.

To cope with this upheaval, the French agri-food giant is announcing a savings plan of one billion euros in 2023, which will involve the elimination of around 1,500 to 2,000 jobs, including 400 to 500 in France.

The group will adopt a new local organization by zones, rather than a global organization by categories, in order to bring decision-making closer to the markets.

The cost of the operation is estimated at around € 1.4 billion for the period 2021-2023.

In this context, Danone plans in particular to bring its world headquarters located in Paris closer to its headquarters for France based in Rueil-Malmaison (Hauts-de-Seine).

Thanks to this plan, the agri-food group hopes to return to profitable growth in the second half of 2021, and in 2022 to bring its current operating margin back to its level before the health crisis, i.e. more than 15%.

What to remember too

  • The AstraZeneca laboratory and the University of Oxford released on Monday the interim results of the clinical trials of their vaccine against Covid-19.

    70% effective on average, it is currently less convincing than that of Pfizer / BioNTech (95%) and that of Moderna (94.5%).

    However, it has an advantage over its American competitors: it uses a more traditional technology, which makes it less expensive and easier to store, not needing to be kept at very low temperatures.

  • A few days after Daniel Cordier, another figure of the Resistance disappears: Noëlla Rouget died Sunday in Geneva (Switzerland), also at the age of 100.

    Member of the “Honor and Fatherland” network, she was arrested in June 1943 and deported to the Ravensbrück camp, where she remained for fourteen months.

    Arrested at his side, his fiancé Adrien Tigeot will be tortured and then shot.

    In the name of its values, it will obtain from General de Gaulle that he pardon the person responsible for his death and his own deportation, the Gestapo player Jacques Vasseur.

  • Diplomatic lines continue to move in the Near East and the Middle East, in the wake of the agreement reached in August between Israel and the Emirates.

    We learned this Monday that Benyamin Netanyahu went in secret Sunday to Saudi Arabia to meet with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

    The Israeli Prime Minister, who was accompanied by the head of the Mossad (foreign intelligence service), is also said to have met with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

The unexpected info

On his travel certificate, this inhabitant of Lannion, in the Côtes-d'Armor, had written that he was going out to "kick the ass at a guy".

A police patrol spotted the 39-year-old man hiding behind a car near the train station on Saturday around 1 a.m. and carrying a switchblade knife.

“He had his handwritten certificate with his real name, the time he left home at 10:15 pm.

But he was told that the reason was not valid ”, explains the divisional commander Daniel Kerdraon.

After a night in a drunken cell, the individual was fined € 135 for the certificate and another € 150 for public and manifest intoxication.

He must be heard again at the Lannion police station on Monday for the carrying of a weapon.