The Limited Times

Fanpage and Repubblica in the lead on Instagram, ANSA first among the agencies

11/23/2020, 5:14:46 PM

Analysis of the presence on the social network, Data Media Hub highlights the great gap compared to foreign newspapers (ANSA)

Data Media Hub, the publishing and digital think tank led by Pier Luca Santoro, monitored the presence on Instagram of 33 publications in one year.

As on Facebook, the one with the highest number of followers on Instagram is the player all digital

Fanpage (over 1.4 million followers)




(1.2 million)

, in third place is the all news channel



In last position Affaritaliani.

Among the news agencies, the first is


with 675 thousand followers.

As for the number of

daily posts

that on average each of the newspapers publishes on Instagram,

Corriere della Sera leads the way

with over 19 posts a day.

Fanpage stands at around 9 posts per day.

A value that is also close to Repubblica, the third largest publication for the quantity of published content.

30.3% of the newspapers publish on average less than one post per day, against an overall average of 2.58 post / day.

“Il Giornale”, highlights Data Media Hub, has published 17 posts since 2017.

Of these the last dates back to June 2020. Il Resto del Carlino stands at 0.09 posts per day on average. 

For all the newspapers taken into consideration, with the exception of TgCom24 and SkyTg24, photos are

the prevailing format

, with a peak of 89% for Corriere della Sera.

Instead albums, videos and IGVT are not offered much.

"Considering that“ carousel ”posts are the ones that work best on Instagram, it is clear that in most cases the news brands we have analyzed have ample room for improvement", underlines Data Media Hub.

As for


(likes and comments), Fanpage is also the first magazine in absolute values ​​by level of engagement, whose mix is ​​made up of photos, 15% albums, 6% videos and 15% IGVT.

Corriere della Sera ranks second.

The highest rate of interaction, underlines Data Media Hub, is instead for Today, the network of information sites that has recently renewed itself in form and content, making its news available on 50 apps.

"With the exception of Il Giornale, the worst performance is from AGI and Adnkronos, as well as from Il Resto del Carlino", adds Data Media Hub. 

The analysis of Data Media Hub is that "overall the presence on Instagram of the magazines analyzed is poor. Just look at the proposals of The Telegraph or The Economist, rather than The New Yorker, to understand how deep the gap between our magazines is compared After all - he concludes - if you do not invest in dedicated specialist figures, it is very unlikely to be able to express quality and value ".

The full analysis here