The Limited Times

To facilitate access to the site of the fires ... Building agricultural roads and numbering them in Tartous

11/23/2020, 9:57:17 PM

Tartous-SANA The Agriculture Directorate in Tartous has begun constructing new agricultural roads as part of its planned implementation of 60 kilometers from


The Agriculture Directorate in Tartous has begun constructing new agricultural roads as part of its planned plan to implement 60 kilometers of fire lines in different areas of the governorate to facilitate the access of vehicles and firefighting crews to the sites of fires in the event they occur.

Engineer Fadi Muhammad Dayoub, head of the Forestry Division in Tartous, stated in a statement to SANA that this procedure aims to protect vegetation, separate agricultural areas from forestry, secure roads, easy access to firefighting mechanisms and others in the event of fires, and number these roads and put them on the GIS program for the sake of The inference of these sites by the various parties, adding that these roads will be treated annually by removing them and emptying them continuously to keep them fully prepared.

Diop indicated that the Ministry of Agriculture's mechanisms had begun work in the Al-Awainiya area, with the completion of one kilometer of the road out of the 3.5 kilometers scheduled for this area.

In turn, the forest guard in charge of a sector in the Queen of Adnan Muhammad stated that his mission is to monitor the aforementioned site and report any violation if it occurs, in addition to accompanying the mechanisms that are currently paving forest roads in this area in order to fully serve them.

Fatima Hussain