The Limited Times

New crown pneumonia | Eight adults dissatisfied with the government's performance, Chen Hengpin reprimands the testing center for "sweeping crabs"

11/24/2020, 11:46:48 PM

The local epidemic has rebounded. A total of 80 confirmed cases were added today (24th), among which 187 people in the "dancing group" were infected. The group "Qingyan Hong Kong" carried out relevant precautions against 6,004 citizens from the 21st to the 23rd.

Political situation

Written by: Zhai Ruimin

2020-11-24 18:26

Last update date: 2020-11-24 18:27

The local epidemic has rebounded. A total of 80 confirmed cases were added today (24th), among which 187 people in the "dancing group" were infected.

The group "Qingyan Hong Kong" conducted a questionnaire survey of 6,004 citizens about their opinions on epidemic prevention measures from the 21st to the 23rd. Among them, nearly 80 adults were dissatisfied with the government's anti-epidemic performance.

Legislative Councillor Chen Hengpin, who is also a group consultant, denounced the government's anti-epidemic work for "doing half and not doing half." The lack of inspection is not enough to plug loopholes. Community testing centers are even more "craggy", making the public feel that all government departments are working independently.

It is recommended to use "Travel with peace of mind" when entering and leaving places that require masks to be removed

In addition, 91% of the interviewees support the implementation of mandatory testing for all citizens, and another 90% agree that the government can strengthen the collection of travel records of citizens during the epidemic to help track the chain of virus transmission.

Chen Hengpin suggested that testing centers should be set up in 18 districts, and citizens should be forced to enter and exit places where they need to take off their masks, and use the "Travel with Peace" app to record their whereabouts.

Qingyan Hong Kong published a new crown pneumonia public opinion survey. More than 90% of the respondents support that the government should strengthen penalties and implement stricter measures to prevent epidemics.

(Photo by Zhai Ruimin)

The survey results also showed that 85% of the interviewees were worried about the epidemic, and about 60 adults believed that it would take half a year or more for Hong Kong to continue to clear local cases.

Regarding violations of the "Gathering Restriction Order" and the "Mask Order", more than 90% of the interviewees supported that the government should strengthen the penalties and implement more stringent anti-epidemic measures.

In addition, 93% of service respondents supported the arrangement of a unified location to isolate all overseas arrivals in Hong Kong.

Group spokesperson Zhou Yuangu pointed out that the epidemic situation in foreign countries is severe, and the results reflect that the public is worried that imported cases from overseas will cause community transmission. It is recommended that the government communicate with the hotel industry, select designated hotels for isolation, and arrange private transportation.

Another spokesperson, Lai Jiawen, advocated increasing incentives and encouraging citizens to participate in testing, such as donating anti-epidemic materials or receiving vaccines as a priority in the future.

Mai Meijuan: Local testing capabilities can complete national testing within 7 days

In addition, the Federation of Trade Unions also launched a survey in the early morning. As of 4 pm, 11,900 citizens responded. Among them, 97.2% of the interviewees supported mandatory testing for all citizens, and 90% of them supported mandatory use of the "Travel with peace of mind" application.

Mai Meijuan, a member of the Legislative Council of the Federation of Trade Unions, said that after the investigation is completed, the results will be handed over to the government. She also said that she had asked the local testing center and pointed out that the local testing capacity could complete the national testing on the 7th.

Specified premises, including restaurants, must apply for the "Travel with peace of mind" QR code before December 3.

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New Coronary Pneumonia Poll