The Limited Times

Syria participates in the Parliamentary Forum on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Arab region

11/27/2020, 9:57:40 PM

Damascus-SANA A delegation from Parliament participated in the Parliamentary Forum on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the region


A delegation from the People's Assembly participated in the Parliamentary Forum on the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in the Arab region and the impact of the Coronavirus on the implementation of the sustainable development goals, which was organized by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in partnership with the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the United Nations Development Program, through a virtual session Online.

In their speeches, the members of the delegation referred to the unilateral coercive economic measures imposed on the Syrian people and the so-called Caesar Act that prevent medicine and medical supplies from reaching Syria, which negatively affects the plans for sustainable development and combating epidemics, especially the Covid 19 epidemic.

The members called on parliaments of the world to stand by Syria by calling for the lifting of unilateral coercive measures that hinder the implementation of development goals and impede the response to the Coronavirus, and the need to include this demand in the recommendations that will be issued by the forum.

The members pointed out that the Syrian parliamentarians, in cooperation with the government and civil society, would implement precautionary measures to combat the Coronavirus and limit its spread.

The People's Assembly delegation to the forum included members of the Parliament’s Social Affairs Committee office, Fatima Khamis and Abdel-Hamid Al-Naqry, and two members of the parliamentary cadre working in the council.